Christmas rerun done! …almost. Still need to do some farming and the extra quests.
I cleared challenge quest with team above since it seemed like an easy idea. And it sure was relatively easy. I think all I did was just spamming NP as many as I can. And thanks to two Castoria, they handled fending off enemy NPs.
Oniland done. I didn’t manage to get 100 aurora steels. I did get enough to final ascend Valkyrie and to max Skadi skills though. So that’s nice.
As for challenge quest, I used the team above. The method is simple, spam NP while protecting the attacker (Rider Kintoki) with Gudaguda Poster Girl. Oh, and Georgios of course.
Rider Kintoki sure is easily the best single target rider for pure firepower with his 50% NP charge, high NP charge rate, and two quick buffs.
Now I’m farming some feathers so I can max Jeanne Summer skills. Afterward it’ll be either more aurora steels or dragon fangs.