Rather unexpected, Christmas event has started already.
When they announced new interludes last Monday I expected the Christmas event to be at least next Monday instead. But nope, it starts last Wednesday instead. Welp.
As I wrote before, it’s annoying because now I need to farm on both JP and NA. Well, not really “need” but it would be nice to farm as much as possible. I sure can use a lot of dusts and seeds. The fluids are nice bonus as well; last year’s Nightingale Santa wanted 45 to level up her skill to 9 and I don’t quite have enough.
Currently farming slowly because the currently open nodes have rather crap drop rate. It does look like I need to at least open some boxes though just to unlock the story.
I don’t think I’ll roll for this one. The one above is on my sub account.
Thankfully the event CE this time provides 50% when limit broken so that would help team comps a lot.
Also farming here. Also kind of waiting for the best node to open. I did get the extra event CE but I still need more. At least one more so I can limit break one and still have +3 on my own. The two other slots are occupied by NP charge CEs.
At least from the look of it my current farming team of Arash, Zerklot, Skadi, and Waver can go pretty far. Having full 3/3/3 node being the highest drop node sure helps. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.
I ended up I rolling the banner for about 10 times and got nothing. I did get three R event CEs and that’s it. No Bradamante or anything.