Weekly FGO vol. 73


Oh wow this week has ended already. Nothing much happened. I’ve been mostly just farming for QP and sometimes check Interludes (as they’re half AP at the moment).

New event starts next week. No hints of participating servants or anything yet.


Similar to JP, nothing here either. Also farming for QP. As can be kind of seen from above screenshot, I’ve got enough mats but no QP to max her skills. At current rate I wonder how long it’ll take me to finally get enough QP for her… Not to mention I’ve got couple other SSR servants that is also in similar situation.

No announcement of Ooku yet but they’ll be having some broadcast next week so maybe it’ll start right afterwards or something. I don’t remember Ooku being particularly difficult in term of the battles but clearing the maps will involve a lot of tapping and loading. I hope they include the latest patch in JP rerun which sped things up.

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