Weekly FGO vol. 118


Finished the second CQ (again) now with Castoria (friend support) being only higher rarity servant.

I initially tried with Caster Shuten Douji but Reines NP is quite very annoying so Medea is in her place. The strategy is of course get rid of Gray first and then Reines. Medea ended up still being pretty useful for Reines to remove the NP effect. Raising that Hundred Faces was expensive though :’)

I also noticed that while not quite Merlin useful, Andersen works quite well with Castoria in term of providing healing. And with his def buff (when it comes through), it’s slightly more useful than Merlin even (albeit without per turn NP charge).

I haven’t tried the other CQ with lower rarity servants. I don’t know if I’ll be able to spare time for that. I also don’t remember how I did it first time although considering the enemy side attacker is Alexander it’s probably just Gray with assistance from Koyanskaya.

Meanwhile on gacha news, there’s still no Faker but instead:

…yeah. I don’t know how but I ended up rolling five of her in 155 rolls total. Yay?

Also I guess I’ll just need to wait until Faker spooks me on some random rolls later.

With this event coming to a close, up next will be Valentine. There will be a stream next weekend although I’m not sure if it’ll be right after the stream or yet another Wednesday start. I hope it’s right after the stream just so I can start the event early.


Cleared tower event challenge quest with that team above. It was two berserkers so I figured this should work just fine (and it did). As usual it’s just Hokusai spamming her NP with a lot of taunts.

As for the tower itself, I’m currently at floor 82. Only 18 floors left with two remaining days. Should be just enough.

Right after this tower event will be valentine. I don’t think I’ll roll there either…

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