Apparently some people got here when googling for “danbooru memcache” – which means I’m not the only one having problem with it.
I posted the solution in there which is pretty simple:
For memcache error (“uninitialized memcache constant”), add this line in config/initializer/002_caching.rb
(at line 2):
require 'memcache'
As for postgresql error, comment the line following line in db/migrate20090420182044_revert_enable_auto_complete_on_users.rb
(line 3):
remove_column "users", "enable_autocomplete`"
so it looks like this:
#remove_column "users", "enable_autocomplete`"
I don’t know why it’s still unfixed.
Updated installation guide soon, or later. Tell me if you need help for specific Linux distro. Or a variant of *BSD. Installation on OpenSolaris is still painful as ever (and Passenger 2.2.2 doesn’t work on it last time I tried).