My previous attempt is pretty much a fail. It works but it shouldn’t be done that way.
Here be updated version to imitate mod_userdir functionality in nginx – pointing /~username to correct path. Complete with php(-cgi) handler.
upstream php-cgi { server; } server { listen 80; server; index index.php; client_max_body_size 3m; if ($uri ~ ^/~edho/blog) { set $err404 /~edho/blog/index.php; set $is_custom404 1; } if ($is_custom404 != 1) { set $err404 /404.html; } error_page 404 $err404; #username should only contain these letters, right? location ~ /~([A-Za-zd-_s]+)(.*)$ { alias /export/home/$1/public_html$2; location ~ .php { if ($fastcgi_script_name ~ /~([A-Za-zd-_s]+)(.*)$ { set $ud_name $1; set $ud_uri $2; } root /export/home/$ud_name/public_html; try_files $ud_uri @404; fastcgi_pass php-cgi; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$ud_uri; include fastcgi_params; } } location / { root /var/www/data; rewrite ^/wiki/([^?]*)(?:?(.*))? /w/index.php?title=$1&$2; rewrite ^/wiki /w/index.php; rewrite ^/edogawaconan/signature.jpg /edogawaconan/signature.php; } location ~ .php$ { root /var/www/data; try_files $uri @404; fastcgi_pass php-cgi; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /.ht { deny all; } location @404 { return 404; } }
Key changes here is everything is done in simplest possible way I can think of. No more location hopping.
If you need custom 404 just add if ($uri)
block. In the sample above I have my blog at /~edho/blog.
I use upstream block to prepare migration to god (from php-fpm).
Up next: god config for php-cgi. (aka say goodbye to spawn-fcgi / php-fpm)
Update: cleanup
oh, so nginx support nested location…!?
and your post indicating that god is better than phpfpm.
hmmm :-
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