If you didn’t know, the current moebooru running on oreno.imouto is using ancient version of many things. It also uses a custom lighty module (mod_zipfile) which doesn’t seem to be available anywhere.
I’ve updated it with latest Rails 2.x and made it compatible with nginx. Mostly. You can see it running here.
The plans:
- Upgrade to Ruby 1.9.
- Update all plugins.
- Update anything deprecated.
- Migrate to Bundler.
- Use RMagick instead of custom ruby-gd plugin.
- Use RMagick instead of calling jhead binary.
- And more!
We’ll see if I can actually finish this one. Grab the source here. Yeah, I’m using Mercurial for a Rails project.
much appreciated if you’re able to do that..you can get mod_zipfile and the other custom plugins via svn –>
the support for zip file on nginx has been added (it’s one of the first thing I did). This is the commit which has the patch for it: https://bitbucket.org/edogawaconan/moebooru/changeset/9fa08c0e51a8 – the result (zip control file) is not cached though. You can see it in action on my test site at http://moe.myconan.net .
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