Earlier this week I noticed the two mirrored SSDs in my main server is close to dying.
One of them has started reallocating sectors even though it’s only got a bit over 150 TB written. It’s specced at 150 TBW warranty though so I guess it’s just about time.
That said, the other one has over 220 TB written yet it still has no problem. This one is rated for 204 TBW so it also already passed its specification.
The reason for those stupid write number is because I probably have used them as ZFS cache drives. I think I killed two other drives in similar fashion last year. I stopped doing it a while back but it was a bit too late.
I haven’t installed them yet as the server doesn’t have NVMe slots and the PCI-e to NVMe adapters I ordered have not arrived. Thanks, Amazon 😐
I don’t actually know if they will work at all. I don’t think the BIOS supports NVMe boot and I’m not sure if the commonly suggested method of using Clover Boot will work for FreeBSD. It theoretically should be fine but who knows…