Another reason I don’t use Ubuntu

I just remembered, last time I tried (in 8.04) it wasn’t intuitive to get Japanese input system working (and I don’t bother finding how to do that), now I tried Ubuntu 8.10, curious how to do that, I do quick google and find this relatively informative page how to do that. Too bad it’s only informative, not simple.

If anyone know how to do it in much simpler way please let me know too. 😐

2 thoughts on “Another reason I don’t use Ubuntu

  1. whew…
    what a useless forum…
    they just make linux seems harder….
    well.. this text written from ubuntu 8.10 :p
    yes the worst part is you can’t write them directly to the browser…
    but it works for gedit

    try this…
    make sure you have internet access
    click system->administration->language support
    there’s a list of language supported by ubuntu
    check Japanese
    click details
    check all items
    click OK
    just wait until installation finished

    now open synaptic package manager
    on system->administration
    type ‘scim’ and ‘anthy’ on the search box separated by space
    click apply

    to make sure…
    hold and tap alt-F2
    on the text box right-click
    choose scim input methods
    now there is a keyboard icon at the systray
    left-click it
    you can see a crown icon and “Japanese-Anthy” text
    click it…
    try to type some words…
    basically scim work just like IME on windows…

    gw mestinya buat artikel nih…
    kirim ke PCplus :p

  2. sounds simpler and doesn’t work with many apps (and ugly font?). And you forgot to include Tomoe for handwriting recognition (yes I’m using something like that on Windows). Good solution.
    And why does the installer contains many apps but doesn’t include international input system.

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