Weekly FGO vol. 35


So, uh, I’ve cleared the event. Used all the command spells available because I can’t be arsed to waste some tens of millions of QP to figure out how to clear the quest which required 50M QP per run.

Similarly for challenge quest. Although I probably can try some more things before the event ends. Maybe this weekend.

Anyway, I cleared the QP quest with double Merlin and Spartacus and some command seals. As for challenge quest, I used solo Merlin which should’ve worked if he’s NP2 or higher. He wasn’t so I couldn’t get him to heal quick enough so he could survive all the attacks.

Now I think about it, could a solo Hans work instead? 🤔 It would take even more turns and he’s missing invulnerability buff but he’s got def buff so maybe? Or maybe not unless I grail him to 90 or something.


Gutterdam has started and so has Valkyrie banner. After a long streak of shit luck, gacha god have finally given me their mercy and I was allowed to pull Valkyrie just with three tickets. Now I have some extra rolls for Skadi banner.

As for the story quest itself, I’m going slowly through it. I don’t remember any particularly difficult part so it should be fine?

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