Dead week is dead. Or just almost dead thanks to all daily quests being open. I’ve been running the caster AP40 node for days now.
After all those farming I still only have 10 caster secret gems left. At least I finally maxed Jeanne and Illya skills. Still need a lot more for the other casters.
There will probably be new LB chapter tomorrow. I still haven’t read anything past Yuga Kshetra though.
Talking about Yuga Kshetra, I cleared it here as well.
Kama cleared the Alter Ego Limbo and first bar of Arjuna Alter and the last one is finished by Kintoki (Rider). That sure is a lot of SSRs.
For comparison here’s what I used in JP back then. Support was friend Merlin.
And as for the other Arjuna Alter fight, I didn’t take its screenshot (whoops). Although I think it was Kama, Skadi, Skadi, Mash, Waver, and support Karna. Pretty much Kama doing most of the damage and then finished by Karna on the last turn. Kama’s guts ended up causing a bit of problem because it caused Karna to not be solo at the second last turn. Had to restart a bit so he actually survives.
As for JP:
The strategy is taunt wall Karna, coupled with guts from Mystic Code and invulnerability from Avicebron.
And lastly the tree:

As can probably be guessed, it’s Eresh NP-ing till dead and then finished by Kintoki (Rider) and Chloe.
And JP, well,

I’m not quite sure how it worked but it did, so, yay. I didn’t have good CE here so it kinda sucked.
As that done, the final banner was also released. Yay. So I rolled 10 hoping for Asclep.
Except I got nothing. Annoyed, I did another 10 rolls. And I got Ashvattaman instead 😑
More annoyed, I did another 10 rolls. And Asclep finally appeared. With Arjuna Alter as bonus.
That it took 30 rolls for a single R servant was annoying but at least he also brought together Arjuna Alter. He definitely will be useful. Eventually, that is. I don’t have enough QP or exp cards to max him right away. Maxing Kama already costed me all of my QP. Thankfully I’m only lacking Eggs in term of materials.
And that’s it for the new LB chapter. Now I’m rushing to finish all the free quests and interludes so I have all the lost SQ back for upcoming banners. I didn’t expect to spend 90 SQ for this banner after all.