Anniversary! GSSR! And I rolled the banner which has Skadi in it! And I actually got her. That was nice. I finally have all the main support for each card types.
The guaranteed SR was Chiron. Could be better (Valkyrie, Fujino, Parvati, Danzou) but just getting Skadi is already a major win to me.
Now I’m free to choose whatever I like for the next GSSR that’s not Caster. Yay.
As for the free SSR, I got Tamamo for even more Arts support. I considered Sitonai and Artoria as well but went with completing support lineup for now.
All that’s left is farming some QP and caster stones and a lot of bones. By “a lot” I mean 161 of them. Also seeds. Thankfully I’ve got enough dusts and everything else… I think.
Oh I also rolled Koyanskaya and got one after 64 rolls. I’ll probably do a bit more during Valkyrie rate up day. As for the mats to level her up, just like Tamamo, I don’t have remotely enough either.
Meanwhile on the new servant coin thing, I unlocked skill 2 for a bunch of servants. I’m missing a lot of mats to properly level them up though. Also I don’t have any grails to even start leveling anyone (probably Okita) to 102+. I’m also still halfway getting Morgan to 100 (currently 94).
Looks like there are some more interesting development on the latest release of Le Fay chapter.
On Sunday, got Merlin in 77 rolls. Also got spooked by Helena along the way. Also a bunch of Siegfrieds. Also one Ozymandias (now NP2).
That was overall pretty amazing roll. The extra Ozy wasn’t expected but sure is nice. He’ll definitely be useful for a lot of quests.
And lastly I did more rolls for Musashi and Osakabehime (and Carmilla). And got another Musashi Summer after 66 rolls, 11 last of which was mistakenly done using multis instead of singles. I also got Scheherazade along the way which was also not expected. Oh, and there’s Osakabehime as well. Thank god it wasn’t Carmilla. Neither are exactly useful though.
All those new servants are nice and all but I’ve got no resources to raise them all. At least the next event should be Lottery Box event. At less than 50 golden apples I should be able to hit a bit over 100 boxes.
I’m not quite done rolling yet though. There’s still Okita Summer and Lambdalilith. The plan is 11 rolls during first rate up where both are included, then another 11 during Lambdalilith banner, and finally all I have during Okita… up to NP2. I don’t think I’ll go for NP5. If I still have any sq remaining, I’ll then go on to Lambdalilith solo until NP2 of her. And if somehow I still have any left, I’ll throw the rest to the banner which has both of them.
I will most likely end up scraping for sq in interlude and strengthening quests.
As for the event itself, I’m up to date to the latest available quest. I still need to farm for item shop. Mainly gold and bronze. For some reason I’ve cleared the silver items (sans pieces).