Melty Blood release campaign! …which is Saber pick up banner.
I did paid roll just for fun and got her somehow. Yay.
Still on paid roll, I also got Achilles on his banner. Too bad I didn’t get anyone else useful on that paid roll thing.
As I mentioned last week, I redid the challenge quest with more restriction and managed to do it. I stole it from this guy here almost as is.
So, summer has ended and Halloween is coming up. The nice part is they’ll start it by having a main interlude type of rerun which is just the main story including the welfare. I don’t have Halloween Eli and Brave Eli so that’ll be some welcome addition. Oh and another copy of Mech Eli so I can have complete set of them. NP upgrade will be coming on the new Halloween event but there’s no info whether it’s free(-ish) or require rare prism like other main interludes.
Oh, I did some more rolls for Okita Alter summer and still got nothing. And I also did 10 rolls for Okita Alter and equally got nothing. Hopefully the paid roll will give me something nice this time. Or most likely not.
Halloween rerun! Raid! And I’m done with everything there, including the challenge quest.

I barely paid attention to it and it just somehow cleared. It’s basically just letting Godjuna spam his NP and face card. Gudaguda Kanban is used to provide free taunt. I put Kintoki there so I can have Godjuna focus on Sitonai first and then finished by Kintoki but he ended up clearing the whole thing anyway.
Coming next is Saber Wars 2 which has no welfare but at least it’s got a Mystic Code.
I don’t think I’ll roll on this one. Or maybe just one for fun. I need all the SQ and tickets I can get for next (and following) year.
Next year top priority for me will be Castoria and Himiko. And maybe Okita if I’ve got enough spares. That’s not too bad but then the following year will be Fujino, Morgan, Koyanskaya, Oberon, and Okita Alter Summer.