Halloween is over! Kind of! I still have to farm a bit more to get all those CEs!
The farming nodes are rather interesting but thankfully I’ve got enough to replicate the teams listed here.

As for challenge quest, it’s relatively easy. I didn’t bother to do much experiment but this one worked.
Nothing fancy, just letting Kagetora hit Zenobia until she’s down. With occasional Castoria and Hans NP as needed.
Meanwhile I didn’t notice the Apocrypha BD banner includes Jeanne Summer and Mordred Summer. Threw quite a bit for Jeanne Summer but got Fran Summer instead welp. I have some more SQ but I don’t think I’ll roll more. Or will I.
Also done with Saber Wars 2 here.
Challenge quest isn’t much really. It’s just having Mech Eli hit MHXX as much as possible. Now I think about it, it’s quite similar to the JP Halloween above.
As for Round Table quest, it’s a little bit lot more annoying with Tristan’s buff removal and Gareth’s piercing NP. The formation gimmick was also annoying especially quite a few of it requires command card and crit luck.
Somehow cleared it anyway thankfully. Sure is nice having Godjuna.
The event ends tomorrow and there next one for JP is hunting quest and… Christmas. Not sure how they’ll handle the long blank space until Christmas unless they do weird thing and start it mid November.