Gudaguda Himiko. CE exp cards from FP gacha. I’ve spent over 2M on it and got quite a few of them now. Also some Saber Lily and Habetrot and Angra Mainyu. And of course a lot of Nobukatsu. I’ve got almost 2000 servant coin of him now.
Meanwhile on the event itself, there isn’t much interesting. The raid started out pretty badly with the server barely responding. Half of the Nobbus being down just in few hours isn’t helping either. At least the one I’m farming for, Dark Nobbu, isn’t very popular. I don’t have many apples so I can’t farm much either anyway.
As for random rolls, for some reason I ended up with three Napoleon. And 0 Jeanne Summer after 59 rolls. That was mildly annoying but my current recorded SSR servant rate is 53 out of 4714 rolls so it’s kinda expected, I guess?
Dead week is dead. There’s hunting quest but there’s nothing I particularly needed at the moment so I’m just farming with natural AP.
I sure wonder what event will be after this.