I ended up skipping challenge quest using slightly saner team this time. I’ll retry next year. Maybe.
On other news, I rolled Ryoma (Lancer) from the paid gacha. I also did a few tickets afterwards and got one extra Okita Summer. A bit more of her would be nice but it’ll require at least 4 more to be able to fully max here so I decided to stop instead.
Also stopped is my paid roll. Looking back at the total, I did 271 paid rolls so far which sum up to 31k yen (excluding the bonus SQ). That’s over 10k per month which is pretty bad. Well, I did know it gets expensive over time but looking at the number it sure is expensive. I didn’t quite expect a full 10k per month either.
So for now I’m stopping it and will only be doing it for something I do actually care about.
On side note, I tried rolling Galatea with tickets and got jack shit.
As for activity, there’s nothing to do after the event so I’ve been farming the fantasy scales and QP. The former for maxing Oberon and the latter for also maxing Oberon and many other things. A 4/4/4 append skills for everyone would be nice.
There’s! Nothing! Here!
Well, there’s the new Lostbelt chapter but it’s not a time limited event so I’m doing it slowly. Christmas lotto is coming up soon after all. Gotta save all those apples.
I tried rolling for Orion with like 10 tickets and didn’t get him as expected. I got a gold archer though. An Atalante. I only need two more copies of her for NP5.