Christmas 2021! Lottery box! Mats!
So, yeah, I’ve been mostly farming here. I finally finished the Cu Caster farming team and have been using them whenever Castoria/Paracelsus can’t work easily. I still prefer Castoria setup because it involves fewer skill taps but there are also more nodes which such setup couldn’t easily work.
The event is pretty short and the most efficient node still isn’t up so I’m not sure how many boxes I’ll end up with. I’m trying to get at least 50.
Astraea banner was up so I did some rolls hoping for her and thankfully she came up in 3rd roll.
I think that should sum up my rolls for now. Next one would Voyager in May? Or maybe I’ll skip it and save everything for Castoria. At least I don’t plan getting more than one of her.
In the meantime, I’m slowly going through LB5 with mana prism farming in between. I forgot that the second half of LB5 is completely separate arc and will be released separately.