Box event has ended and raid event is coming up soon. I ended up with 51 boxes total. Not too bad but I certainly can use more. I still need a lot more skill gems.
As for challenge quest, the easy one is, well, easy. Spartacus having damage bonus for this event also helped. It’s the usual taunt and NP (and face cards). Mech Eli at the back for cleaning up second wave and lastly Castoria and Robin Hood for finishing Beni Enma.
Getting buster buff from the first wave was pretty difficult but at least it’s not essential.
The hard challenge quest on the other hand, is hard. I saw the comp above on Appmedia message board and thankfully it worked wonder. A few places suggested defeating Oni first but I think Habetrot is way more dangerous because of her NP charges. It also helps she’s only got single HP bar. No I look at Appmedia page again, they do suggest Habetrot as well so I guess either I read it wrong few days ago or they updated their recommendation.
Anyway, with lack of time to experiments I didn’t try with lower rarity servants this time.
…wait, I completely forgot that I got a second Himiko, lol.
Oh and I cleared the story and challenge quest as well.

Taking hint from myself last time, it’s time for another double Merlin. I just didn’t want to think too much. Still not easy though. I should’ve used Atlas Academy Uniform instead.
Only 8 boxes so far so I definitely need to pick up pace. After a while with JP skill speedup update, the lack of it in NA is quite annoying.