Reines event! Her banner! And with new Pretender!
So I did 21 roll and got one Reines. That was nice I thought so I rolled more hoping for Faker. Her 100% NP charge skill with single target arts NP with class advantage against knight classes and caster should come in handy. Except I ended up spending all my SQ with 132 rolls total and didn’t get her at all. But instead I got 4 Reines. That was weird. And annoying. And RIP my SQ stock.
Along the way I didn’t get any useful CE but at least got Percival (NP2), Heracles (NP4), and Chiron (NP2). More Percival is useful.
Raid is coming up in a few days and it would be useful. If only I have more apples.
Done with the event including challenge quests.
I forgot to take screenshot for the first one but it’s the above except replace Eli with Godjuna and relocate him at 1, Orion at 4, and Merlin at 5. Godjuna first defeats all the monkeys in single turn and then after he’s defeated Orion comes in and finish Beni Enma.
As for the second challenge quest, it’s just Orion hitting Youkihi.
Tower event is coming up next week. That would be fun… if it’s longer than two weeks. I’ll need to be careful to not end up rushing on last minute.