Finished main story and the new challenge quest (in easy mode).

The idea is just as usual – let Morgan spam her NP every turn, backed by all the latest buster supports. Oh and taunt CEs because otherwise Morgan will die pretty quickly especially with that NP on bar break. Although now I think about it again, I could’ve used that opportunity to put Waver instead of Mash so there’s even less worry on getting enough NP and damage for Morgan.
The buff from both Morgan NP and Koyanskaya helped getting her damage break 1M. Her being NP3 probably also helped a bit.
All that’s left is finishing the missions and the event shop items and the original challenge quest.
And maybe retry the new CQ with lower rarity servants. There’s quite a lot of time this time around.
I’ve been slowly rolling daily paid SQ for Reines although nothing useful so far.
Tower event has started. I’m currently at floor 84 which is just about right considering there’s still a week left.
Nothing particularly interesting so far apart of the fact I’m filling up the team with 5 servants instead of 3 for that sweet bond points.
No roll plan here and probably none until Castoria.