White day event! That’s one interesting Grail War they have there. Seems pretty easy so far and I’ve been just grinding the event currencies as usual along with the daily unlocked story.
Not rolling for this one. Not even Arjuna Alter. I’ve got my Morgan and others. I also just want to save for possible upcoming servants. If anything, this year may be the return of quick.
White day event! As well! Or more like it’s almost ending and I haven’t quite there in term of clearing up the shop. I’ll probably have to use some apples here as I doubt it’ll be enough with just natural AP regen.
Oh and the challenge quest, it was mildly amusing clearing it with Kama. She has no problem clearing first two bars with double Skadi but the last one as expected is pretty tough. With def buff removal NP by Odysseus, I had to use guts to keep Kama alive through his NP and pray she’s not killed afterwards after the guts trigger. Atlas Mystic Code allowed her to use the guts twice although it ended up not needed. The first attempt was failed because her guts didn’t cool down in time. The second attempt worked better thanks to Emiya NP reducing Odysseus’ NP charge. Half damage def buff sucks.
As for the rolls, well, nope. Still saving for upcoming Castoria. And everyone else that come afterwards.