Weekly FGO vol. 28

I actually almost forgot about this post. At least there should be some more content in few days.


Apparently I managed to get a single copy of Jalter as screenshotted above. It took me 68 rolls to get her. I did another 53 but got nothing.

With Gudaguda Final rerun’s Okita Alter, I did some more rolls with whatever tickets and gems I have left and managed to get no Okita. At least I got two more Nagayoshi so he’s NP3 now.

I sure could use NP3 Okita Alter but oh well.

On the event itself, I think I’m halfway done farming. And as the extra events are just unlocked today, those are still ongoing as well. There’s about one week remaining so it shouldn’t be too difficult.

I’m not sure about the challenge quest though. I think I did clear it last time with low rarity servants but I sure don’t remember how. I hope I left some screenshots I can refer so I don’t need to find it out again.

Oh, and I cleared Olympus during the 0 AP campaign. It sure was annoying in a lot of ways. Haven’t read the story though as I’m backlogged as far back as Yuga.


Oh right, there was Apocrypha event two weeks ago. With the power of Spartacus and double Waver, the challenge quest sure was easy.

I also grailed him to 80 as can be seen halfway in the screenshot above. I’ll probably get him to 90 as well here. Or maybe 100 🤔 He’s generally useful with good skills and NP, just lacking in stats because of 1☆.

Meanwhile, it’s Gudaguda Meiji Restoration here. They skipped the Holmes event for reasons (apparently they just don’t do real life collab events?). That means no NP upgrade of Taiga or Bedivere for now.

Okita banner should be coming next Thursday I think? It’d be pretty annoying if they skip Okita banner as that’s her last banner even in JP. I have 488 sq and 13 tickets which amount to 175 rolls. Combined with my previous failure with 216 rolls, I sure hope those will be enough to get at least one.

Realtek and Hyper-V weirdness

Earlier this morning I finally bothered to install OpenBSD VM in my main desktop to be used as main dev system. With NFS from main server as its main storage. Except it was kind of slow so that project is scrapped and now being replaced with Debian. Or maybe I’ll try FreeBSD later.

That’s not the point of this post though. The problem is soon after I boot the new VMs, my network started acting up. It randomly disconnects every once in a while. It disconnects so often it’s not even funny.

Here’s the error message in Windows Event Log:

ネットワーク インターフェイス "Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller" はリセットを開始しました。ハードウェア リセットの間にネットワーク接続が一時的に中断します。理由: The network driver detected that its hardware has stopped responding to commands。このネットワーク インターフェイスは、最後に初期化されてから 57 回リセットされました。

I tried various drivers and none of them seem to help. It’s mostly fine if I’m only running single Windows VM.

The only other ethernet card I have is yet another Realtek but I figured might as well try it and see how it goes.

And pretty well so far it goes. No disconnect so far. Hopefully this will continue to work until my 10GbE cards arrive. Which then it’ll be FUN TIME 🌈

I’m getting it from a US seller through ebay though so it’ll take a while until it arrives.

Vultr routing from JP to EU

Just a warning, if you’re planning to use Vultr VPS on JP region, its routing to Europe might be less than optimal. It certainly is on my instances (booted up another one just now and the result is the same).

Update: looks like the routing to Vultr European servers from Japan is fucked up regardless. Although with Vultr, connection to Europe is constantly fucked up instead of only sometimes with other connection (my home connection).

Update update: Sometimes it’s got better routing with Vultr while worse with home connection. I don’t know what’s going on anymore.

Continue reading

Ruby 1.9, Rails, and UTF-8

(main purpose of this post is to link this “server error” page of rubygems.org)

The relevant issue in Rails Issue Tracker (3789). AFAICT, there are few ways to “fix” (read: workaround) this:

  • Modify the relevant Rack code to handle this crap
  • Create additional middleware to intercept (how?) the request (tried, either didn’t work or horribly inefficient)
  • Extend rack before it is started

Well, they all sucks. Hopefully someone comes up with actual working solution for this.

Oh, there’re another solutions:

  • Use REE 1.8 (really?)
  • Use JRuby in 1.8 mode
  • Use Rubinius (rbx 2.0 where?) in 1.8 mode

Um, yeah.

Update: I figured out how to “fix” it. Check it out in Moebooru (requires this).

Rails: read_multi and dalli

Be careful when using read_multi with dalli: it may return nil-valued key instead of the correct key.

The issue is tracked here and thanks to this I dropped the read_multi usage in moebooru and used the much simpler (and most likely slower) single fetch (per entry) instead. There’s alternative way to use it – do a read_multi and refetch whatever missing/nil-keyed but apparently I’m too lazy to do it.

Optimize all the queries!

While digging more into the code called “Moebooru” which was forked from “Danbooru”, I noticed this:

def self.included(m)
  m.after_create :increment_count
  m.after_destroy :decrement_count

def increment_count
  connection.execute("update table_data set row_count = row_count + 1 where name = 'users'")

def decrement_count
  connection.execute("update table_data set row_count = row_count - 1 where name = 'users'")

Counting takes ages, right. Except it is not. I’ve done this, yes, but on a table with 10+ millions of data (this one has ~400k in mainline danbooru), with multiple data inserted (this one got, uh, one every other week?) and queried every second (see below), and with the required count method not a simple select count(1) on some_table (which is what the example above used for).

The best part? It’s only used once, when user registers:

def set_role
  if User.fast_count == 0
    self.level = CONFIG["user_levels"]["Admin"]
  elsif CONFIG["enable_account_email_activation"]
    self.level = CONFIG["user_levels"]["Unactivated"]
    self.level = CONFIG["starting_level"]

  self.last_logged_in_at = Time.now

FreeBSD is Rolling Release (the ports)

Don’t get tricked by the “release” system. Apart of the base system, FreeBSD perfectly qualifies as rolling release. I guess it’s also why the binary package management sucked so badly. You won’t find how to upgrade certain packages using binary method in their Ports’ UPDATING page.

Here’s the example:

  AFFECTS: users of archivers/libarchive
  AUTHOR: glewis@FreeBSD.org

  libarchive has been updated to version 3.0.3, with a shared library bump.
  This requires dependent ports to be rebuilt.

  # portmaster -r libarchive
  # portupgrade -r archivers/libarchive

You would think the dependent packages got version bump to ensure their proper dependency – but they didn’t. Instead you had to recompile everything depending on it.

And then there’s another case:

  AFFECTS: users of graphics/libungif
  AUTHOR: dinoex@FreeBSD.org

  libungif is obsolete, please deinstall it and rebuild all ports using
  it with graphics/giflib.

  # portmaster -o graphics/giflib graphics/libungif
  # portmaster -r giflib
  # portupgrade -o graphics/giflib graphics/libungif
  # portupgrade -rf giflib

Of course, ArchLinux kind of managed to do it but that’s a purely binary rolling release Linux distro. The maintainer worked hard to ensure such kind of thing get handled properly by all their users which mostly use binary packages. FreeBSD on other hand tried to claim capable of both but it really isn’t (unless I missed something).

I’m intending to contact pkgng creator to ask his opinion about this but have yet to do it…

This pile of crap called OpenLDAP

In attempt to learn THE directory service called LDAP, I tried to setup OpenLDAP in Scientific Linux. The install went all right and slapd can be immediately started without much problem. Except that the config is one big mystery and there’s not even a rootpw defined by default. Being a complete newbie in LDAP thingy, I decided to build configuration and all from zero.

…except that it’s not actually trivial. Most examples/tutorials are for OpenLDAP prior to 2.4 which still uses slapd.conf which was obsoleted in favor of configuration in meta-format using LDAP’s ldif. Instead of one nice config, we have directories called cn=config etc inside slapd.d. Someone must’ve been into Linux too much (xxx.d – Linux users sure love “modularizing” their configs).

Anyway, the example in manual page of slapd-config doesn’t even work because the include syntax was wrong (should be file:///etc/… instead of /etc/…) and even after fixing that there still an error:

[root@charlotte openldap]# slapadd -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d -n 0 -l initman.ldif
str2entry: invalid value for attributeType olcSuffix #0 (syntax
slapadd: could not parse entry (line=626)
_#################### 100.00% eta   none elapsed            none fast!
Closing DB...
[root@charlotte openldap]# slaptest
slaptest: bad configuration file!

The example from the guide also gives exact same error.

In short, I kind of given up and tried to follow the “Quick Start” from the very same guide. Instead of using slapd.d format, it still uses slapd.conf format despite it being a guide for 2.4. Seems like following a pattern, the config example also spit out error:

[root@charlotte openldap]# vi slapd.conf
[root@charlotte openldap]# slaptest
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 2:  invalid DN 21 (Invalid syntax)
slaptest: bad configuration file!

So much for an example. Few attempts later at both methods, I gave up and wrote this post.

Hitsugi no Chaika chapter 1

Here be fileserve link to Hitsugi no Chaika chapter 1 which seems to be recommended by Kurogane.

Here’s the bash command I used to leech from this batoto.com thingy. Originally one-liner but reformatted for readability:

for i in {1..66}; do
  curl -O "$(curl http://www.batoto.net/read/_/52737/hitsugime-no-chaika_ch1_by_village-idiot/$i 
    | grep 'img src="http://img.batoto.com/comics/' 
    | sed -E 's/.*src="([^"]+)".*/1/')"

Yes, I parsed html using sed/regex 😀

Flame away.

PS: Apparently I fail at leeching shit. Should’ve checked file formats before deciding it’s jpg. Just extract the files and rename the files with correct extension if you’re feeling dilligent (or getting broken image with MMCE). Only page 1-4 are jpg.

PS: whatever. Fixed everything. Added ddl from my own site since I want to waste some bandwidth.

[ Fileserve | myconan.net ]

Test post

To ensure markdown works as expected, the following sentence must be block-quoted:

herp derp does it work?

And the following excerpt should show proper symbol:

100x + 5 >= 5

If it fails, then WordPress sucks.

Update: indeed it failed.

Update again: patched and now finally works.

I suck at mahjong

I was like, 90% of time at last position. With 1% at first position. Or maybe less.

Numbers pulled straight out of thin air.

It’s true that I’ve been losing too much though. Also it looks like I’m going down from 1-dan again soon.

Remember guys, when someone declared riichi, play defensively. It doesn’t matter how good your hand is – you can always rebuild your hand at later games as long you’re still alive. Pure guts doesn’t work.

Dear WordPress

Please stop breaking my posts. And please remove this crappy “editor”.

Update: turns out one of the plugin (check broken links) caused this whole mess. Doesn’t change the fact that WP’s editor is shit though.


Nothing much happens today, aside from me somehow finished all assignment I have for today.

Whoops, forgot. I failed to get a copy of RF Online Red Army patch. It’s sold out. Freak.