Network performance checklist: TSO/LSO

Took me good few hours to find out why specific combination of task performs incredibly slowly on my server.

For reference, in my case it’s port-forwarded ssh/https connection over openvpn.

[ Client ] --(Internet)--> [ Gateway ] --(OpenVPN)--> [ Server (SSH) ]

Doing anything which takes up bandwidth (displaying log files, etc) will shoot the cpu load (at interrupt) up by a lot. By a lot I mean over 50% of one core.

This guy have the reasoning why it’s happening but I don’t know how much of it is correct. VMware support page also suggesting disabling it if network performance is slow.

In FreeBSD it’s:

echo 'net.inet.tcp.tso=0' >> /etc/sysctl.conf

In Windows it’s this .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


It seems to involve a shell script in Linux so I won’t bother writing it off here since it differs by system.

As usual, YMMV.

…and there goes my time 🙁

Amaburi OP Single

Not doing a release because it’s already released by many other groups.

2014-10-26 22.24.52

On related news, there isn’t any other outstanding opening/ending themes this season so far.

Here my current “considering” list:

  • F/sn UBW ED
  • OreTwi OP
  • OreTwi ED
  • Tsukame Pride
  • Wixoss 2 OP
  • Cross Ange OP


A few years ago I wrote a php script to provide better autoindex within nginx. I used it for quite a long period until I rewrote it in Ruby/Sinatra. But then I figured the setup for it is overly complicated just for simple task. And takes additional memory. I always have php-fpm running anyway so it’s free.

And so I decided to take up the old php script and fix it up. Unfortunately there isn’t other language as easy to setup for web as php which is why I fixed it instead of rewriting in some other languages (or keeping it ruby). The “fixed” version is still pretty much imperative-style but hey, it works.

Only tested with nginx.

Few weeks with Firefox

  • crashes every 1-2 days
  • slow
  • fail on loading large images which for some reason don’t happen on others’ Firefox. I think my Firefox is cursed or something
  • modal authentication in 2014
  • oh and it crashes again when I’m writing this post. Thankfully I’m doing this in Chrome


[Lyrics] Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori Theme Song – I will (short ver.)

Here be the lyrics for Parasol’s latest game to be released this month – Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori (NSFW, also the link below). Full version here.

I will (by solfa feat. Chata)

あぁ 透明な一秒が 流れてゆく
aa toumei na ichibyou ga nagarete yuku

たゆたう 思い出と 少しだけまどろむ日々
tayutau omoide to sukoshi dake madoromu hibi

紡いだ 言の葉 風に舞い上がれ
tsumuida kotonoha kaze ni maiagare

天まで届けと 呟き祈る
ten made todoke to tsubuyaki inoru

咲き誇る 綺麗な花 色とりどり 鮮やかな光景
sakihokoru kirei na hana irotoridori azayaka na koukei

いつも 気がつけば 聴こえてくる 懐かしいメロディ
itsumo ki ga tsukeba kikoetekuru natsukashii merodi

繋いだ手 交わす誓い その想いは 繰り返すメモリー
tsunaida te kawasu chikai sono omoi wa kurikaesu memorii

いつか また出会う 運命の輪 途切れることなく 回る
itsuka mata deau unmei no wa togirerukotonaku mawaru

Wasting time / 2048

2014-05-24 03.43.52

I’ve been wasting time on this thing called 2048 lately. And finally obtained my then-current goal of 8192. And then ended at 112k score since I wasn’t careful enough.

Next goal is 16384 but I’ll need to be able to reach 8192 without too much effort first…

PSA: Never trust external X-Forwarded-For

For god knows how long, proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; is one of the line usually included in nginx config snippet for proxying to a unicorn (Rails) backend.

…which is something you should never do unless you have another load balancer in front of the nginx being configured.

That line basically tells nginx to append $remote_addr to whatever X-Forwarded-For value currently set. It is only useful when your nginx is behind other load balancer which set up its own (hopefully correctly) X-Forwarded-For. It should be set explicitly to $remote_addr for any external-facing proxy. Otherwise fun things will happen.

FreeBSD pkg (manual) upgrade thingy

For working with locked packages (the ones which must be upgraded through compilation because of using custom options)

# filename: pkg-lock-outdated

pkg query -e '%k = 1' %o | while read pkgorig; do
  pkg version -ovL => -O "$pkgorig"

The script above is to list locked packages which need upgrading. And to upgrade everything at once (and sit in front of PC waiting for whole process)


listfile="/tmp/pkgforupgrade.$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
pkg-lock-outdated | cut -f 1 -d '<' > "$listfile"

while read <&3 outdated; do
  pkg unlock "$outdated"
  portmaster "$outdated"
  pkg lock "$outdated"
done 3< "$listfile"

rm -f "$listfile"

There’s another alternative of unlocking all packages at once, run batched portmaster, and lock them all again.

Back to old domain

As I’m too lazy to keep the other domain, this blog who nobody visits have changed the domain once again back to will not be extended after next year. I’ll keep looking on access to old domain and to make sure no one accidentally visits this blog using wrong domain.


[Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 04 [6087F8D9].mkv_snapshot_22.30_[2013.07.27_23.28.12]

Writing episodic post is too much :effort: and doesn’t feel helping much in improving my writing skill. Therefore, nope. Three weeks in total. Not too bad this, I guess.

On kind of related note, I should really stop watching (almost) every single thing out there and focus on some that are really good. At current rate, I almost have no time for anything else… :v

[music] Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation OP Single – Dimension Tripper!!!!

[Commie] Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation - 03 [3ED272B4].mkv_snapshot_23.37_[2013.07.28_01.04.57]I’ve never said it buy you should buy single/blu-rays/whatever of series/songs you like even though the rip of it is available on the internets whenever you can.

2013-07-28 14.41.59No scans as usual. This time I simply don’t have access to scanner. Weekend and stuff. Cover image courtesy cdjapan (no, that’s not where I bought this).

[ Torrent ]

Summer 2013 Week 3

~Late Edition~

Stuff got in the way and I’m only able to write this one now. Also, theoldreader being down really annoys me.

Anyway, the strongest one this week is KamiNai. Well, it cheated by only having three episodes for this arc. The pacing is nice if not slightly too fast but forced me to actually check what’s happened to see if I missed anything.

Monogatari series is going strong, though now with less Senjougahara. C3-bu got a bit annoying this week but hopefully will be better next week. Neptune also performed less amusing and/or interesting this week – and no indication if it’ll get better. The rest are business as usual without anything particularly interesting.