Using ownCloud

Thanks to the fact NextCloud dropped Windows 8 support recently, I switched to ownCloud.

Installing the web app is pretty simple. Slightly more annoying in term of nginx rewrite compared to NextCloud but it’s fixed by just disabling “pretty” url. Their “pretty” url still involves paths ending with .php anyway. So much for being “pretty”.

There’s no problem with the desktop app either. It’s very similar to NextCloud app.

Then there’s the mobile app and here thing went bad. It occasionally crashes. By occasionally I mean it crashes at least twice when launching the app first time after not using it for a while. Opening Photos directory also used to cause crashes but apparently they fixed it recently.

That was with iOS version. Unfortunately the Android version also occasionally crashes. Not as bad as iOS though.

I’m staying with this for now until I fed up with the crashes and maybe just go back to NextCloud and use their older client version hoping it’ll stay working. Or if they finally decide to support earlier versions of Windows Server as it should also mean it’ll work with Windows 8 again.

Edit: browsing the NextCloud issues it looks like they removed hard requirement on the Windows 10 1709+ only API and Windows 8.1 will be supported again.

Weekly FGO vol. 90


NeroFes is over. I gathered a bit over 120 boxes in the end. And now opening them all…

Talking about the boxes, it sure would be nice if the box includes CE exp cards. Or maybe I should’ve rolled harder during the last year’s Yamatai-koku event…

I’ll keep that in mind for NA next year.

On the other news, last part of LB6 has been released and I’ve been grinding through it slowly. That said, apparently there’s still part of the story that’s only unlocked early next month.

As part of the release, there’s the banner thing which somehow I managed to get the SSR with 4 tickets. That’s in very stark contrast with how many rolls I needed to get Morgan. This new Lancer is pretty unique in that she can do both single target and area NP. And that her third skill charges NP to 100%. 2x area NP without a separate NP charge like Nitocris is impossible but considering recent higher difficulty quests which first two waves sometimes only have one or two enemies, this could work in her favor instead.

…I don’t think I’ll raise her NP level though. It’s not Takeuchi and summer is coming soon. Also that new support with 70% targeted NP charge.


Summer Rerun has started and I got my second copy of Jeanne Summer in 58 rolls. Thankfully it only took that many rolls so I should still have good chance for rolling Merlin and Okita Summer. I currently have 224 rolls available. I should get a bit more during this event. There’s also unlock-able Prison Tower which costs 5 rare prisms and will give out 9 tickets total.

I kinda want to use the prisms for bond flame and mystic code as well though so I’m not sure how it’ll go. I currently have 0 but the rerun should net me 9 rare prisms.

Oh, I also got both Ushiwakamaru and Ibaraki Douji Summer along the way. This sure is my SSR week.

I’m not sure how far I’m at the event story but I’ll probably finish it by this weekend. Or next. Next weekend is a long one to celebrate the Olympic. I don’t really care about the Olympic but hey, national holiday.

Right afterward this should be this year’s summer event.

Weekly FGO vol. 87


Ended up doing more rolls. Thankfully she came up way earlier than expected.

I guess I’m done rolling her. Or at least with upcoming summer and stuff.

Nothing much else so I’ve been doing more farming to make sure I have enough QP to level up her skills. Still pretty far away at 60M where I need around 120M I think?


Gudaguda Final! Kagetora! And she fixes my lack of high damage single target lancer problem. Her being Arts based makes her a bit hard to buff until I get a Tamamo or Castoria though. Should be resolved eventually.

On farming, I think I’m about halfway done? Not sure if I need apples to finish.

Apparently I cleared the challenge quest in JP last time with Okita. Maybe I’ll do the same here except with way better supports.

Meanwhile, anniversary is coming up next week! GSSR, one time instant full ascension, free gems, and Lolinci. Not sure about the last one though. It’ll depend on how many gems and tickets I end up with.

Weekly FGO vol. 86


New LB chapter. New servants. Takeuchi servant, to be more precise.

Roll I did. 100-something. It yielded nothing. There are still a few farmable SQ left in my account. Farm them I did. All of them. Interludes, free quests, strengthening, new chapter itself, and lastly bond 11+ which I can sanely attain.

But nope, no Morgan in sight. As last ditch effort 20k yens flew away and thankfully it was enough. 20k too much but at least I did get her. Yay?

I probably should’ve done the same for Skadi except I stopped at 10k last time (or more like I shouldn’t have either time). The lesson is to prepare for at least 40k if going to spend anything on this crap.

Up next is getting another copy of her… maybe next year. Or if she appears again during anniversary or something.

Considering we’ve got Takeuchi servant this time does it mean there will be no summer servant from him again this year? I don’t think I’ll spend a dime on this anymore until at least next year.

On Morgan herself, she should make a pretty good farming servant with her 50% NP charge, 20% of which is can be targeted. It’s no system but a lot of highest difficulty farming quests can’t be done using system anyway.

Oh right, the new LB itself wasn’t too difficult. I did use free Castoria support for almost all rounds (and some saberface higher rarity servants) but none of them are particularly difficult or interesting.

And then my backlog has gotten even longer.

Back to the rolls a bit, I didn’t get any other SSR servant but I did get two more Kaleidoscope so that’s nice. And five Tristan and four Gawain.


…I don’t even remember what I did here. Probably just farming for QP and stuff. I need a lot of QP. Also free quests. I’ve cleared them all. All that’s left for me is some tens of interludes.

14M download campaign is coming up which means 10 tickets.

I do have about 200 rolls available here. I just hope it’s enough for one more Jeanne Summer and one Merlin.

That said, the anniversary event should give out some more SQ and stuff. And there’s Lucky Bag Summon as well for Merlin (1/45) so I’m still hopeful for that.

Weekly FGO vol. 85


Dead week is dead. Or just almost dead thanks to all daily quests being open. I’ve been running the caster AP40 node for days now.

After all those farming I still only have 10 caster secret gems left. At least I finally maxed Jeanne and Illya skills. Still need a lot more for the other casters.

There will probably be new LB chapter tomorrow. I still haven’t read anything past Yuga Kshetra though.


Talking about Yuga Kshetra, I cleared it here as well.

Kama cleared the Alter Ego Limbo and first bar of Arjuna Alter and the last one is finished by Kintoki (Rider). That sure is a lot of SSRs.

For comparison here’s what I used in JP back then. Support was friend Merlin.

And as for the other Arjuna Alter fight, I didn’t take its screenshot (whoops). Although I think it was Kama, Skadi, Skadi, Mash, Waver, and support Karna. Pretty much Kama doing most of the damage and then finished by Karna on the last turn. Kama’s guts ended up causing a bit of problem because it caused Karna to not be solo at the second last turn. Had to restart a bit so he actually survives.

As for JP:

Pretend the support is Karna because I also forgot to take screenshot at the right time

The strategy is taunt wall Karna, coupled with guts from Mystic Code and invulnerability from Avicebron.

And lastly the tree:

As can probably be guessed, it’s Eresh NP-ing till dead and then finished by Kintoki (Rider) and Chloe.

And JP, well,

I’m not quite sure how it worked but it did, so, yay. I didn’t have good CE here so it kinda sucked.

As that done, the final banner was also released. Yay. So I rolled 10 hoping for Asclep.

Except I got nothing. Annoyed, I did another 10 rolls. And I got Ashvattaman instead 😑

More annoyed, I did another 10 rolls. And Asclep finally appeared. With Arjuna Alter as bonus.

That it took 30 rolls for a single R servant was annoying but at least he also brought together Arjuna Alter. He definitely will be useful. Eventually, that is. I don’t have enough QP or exp cards to max him right away. Maxing Kama already costed me all of my QP. Thankfully I’m only lacking Eggs in term of materials.

And that’s it for the new LB chapter. Now I’m rushing to finish all the free quests and interludes so I have all the lost SQ back for upcoming banners. I didn’t expect to spend 90 SQ for this banner after all.

Weekly FGO vol. 84


Summer rerun done. I ended up clearing the challenge quest using the team above. It’s pretty easy with this team overall. I initially tried with Sieg instead of Ishtar and using some other people instead of Merlin but that was a fail.

This one on the other hand was mostly NP and crits. Ishtar’s star generation on her NP is really convenient here. The main annoyance is still her third skill, the delayed buff which is pretty difficult to time correctly.

With that out of the way, I’m back to slowly farming QP.

Next LB chapter is supposedly coming up next week. Not sure what to expect yet but the bonus SQ is always welcome.

Oh and there’s that Lolinci banner. I did 11 roll and got nothing useful. Business as usual.


The next Lostbelt, Yuga Kshetra is released. I’m not rolling for Jinako although I’ll probably do 10 or 20 for Asclepius as I mentioned before. Getting Arjuna Alter would also be useful although I’m not expecting much.

That said, there isn’t much to be done until next event, the Gudaguda Final. I’m not rolling there because there just isn’t anyone interesting to me there. Avenger Nobbu is kinda lacking in firepower, Berserker Nobbu I just don’t need, and Mori is a bit difficult to use (not to mention his insane mats requirements).

Looking at the events list it looks like the next banner I’ll roll on (besides Asclep I mentioned above) will be Summer Rerun for Jeanne Summer. I sure hope I can get her and without exhausting my SQ supply because otherwise it’ll be even more hell trying to get Merlin and Okita Summer for the main summer event this year.

Oh and as for Lolinci banner for anniversary, I’ll probably pass as well. Or maybe try 11 roll.

Serving Mercurial on OpenBSD with Gunicorn

One and other thing lead me to hosting my mercurial repositories on an OpenBSD VPS.

Here’s a bit of memo on how I did it.

A dedicated user needs to be created. I call it hg which is as generic as it can be. Then I create home directory of /home/hg, and set its $HOME to /home/hg/repos. Wait.

It’s so I can just push to ssh:// and not having to specify additional namespace. The /home/hg itself needs to contain some other files so that’s just how it ended up. I can probably put the extra files somewhere else but it seems simpler to have them all in single directory tree. Now I write it maybe I should’ve made it at /var/hg/root or something like that.

Well, it’s done deal.

I also made ~hg/.ssh/authorized_keys file and fill it with my key. Again, so I can push to it.

With that done, next is installing the required packages:

  • py3-gunicorn
  • supervisor
  • mercurial
  • nginx
  • certbot

Refer to this post on configuring the certbot. It worked so well and requires barely any maintenance so far.

As for gunicorn, I made /home/hg/hgweb directory which contains following files:

  • hgweb.config

Gunicorn config is pretty simple:

bind = 'unix:/home/hg/gunicorn.sock'
workers = 4
accesslog = '-'
errorlog = '-'
timeout = 30

Nothing fancy, and there’s no worker_class because none of the supported workers (apart of sync) seem to be supported under OpenBSD. Should be fine as it’s just for my personal use.

As for, it’s copied from /usr/local/share/mercurial/hgweb.cgi with config path adjusted to local hgweb.config and removed references to wsgicgi (import and .launch) as I’m using Gunicorn, not CGI.

hgweb.config itself on the other hand, it’s also pretty basic:

/ = /home/hg/repos/*

baseurl =
contact = nanaya
staticurl = /static

All those done, last part to start serving with Gunicorn is updating /etc/supervisord.conf. There’s an example in their official docs and I made some adjustments:

command=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn --config=/home/hg/hgweb/ hgweb:application

Mainly for having non-random log file path.

Create log directory with mkdir -p /var/log/supervisord, enable the service with rcctl enable supervisord, and hope it works.

Oh and chown hg:www /home/hg && chmod 710 /home/hg for basic file permissions. Oh and hg:hg owner and 700 permission for repos directory itself.

And lastly nginx:

server {
    listen 443;
    listen [::]:443;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/;

    ssl_certificate certs/;
    ssl_certificate_key certs/;
    ssl_trusted_certificate certs/;

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;

    root /nonexistent;

    location = /favicon.ico {
        return 204;

    location = /robots.txt {
        return 204;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://unix:/home/hg/tmp/gunicorn.sock;
        proxy_set_header Client-Ip $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $remote_port;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

        limit_except GET HEAD {
            deny all;

    location /static/ {
        root /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mercurial/templates;

Nothing fancy either, just a basic https proxying setup with no write permission as I don’t want to setup http auth and only push using ssh.

/static/ directory is served directly to the installation’s templates directory. Subdirectory name already matches so no alias or symlink is needed.

rcctl enable nginx and don’t forget to rotate the log files by adding the two specified files to /etc/newsyslog.conf.

…that’s kinda long.

Weekly FGO vol. 83


Only epilogue left (and the challenge quest). There are still plenty of time so I’ll try clearing it with lower rarity servants.

On side note, there’s a Fujino banner which I guess kinda makes sense? Inb4 this summer is KnK summer and there’s Fujino summer. Probably not. But one can wish.

Or maybe Tsukihime.

I did 22 rolls and thankfully got her on second 11 rolls. Also got second Penthesilea which is useful as she’s got plenty of party buffs and NP charge (for her own).

Anyway, that’s that and I’m not quite sure what to farm in the meantime until next event. I actually very rarely farm for mats at event free quest but maybe I’ll try it this time around. Can use lots of octuplets and seeds in addition of the usual proofs/dusts/bones.


Hunting Quest is over so now back to slow farming. I don’t think I gathered enough exp cards during the event but oh well. I’ll wait until next super/great success rate up before using them (further) up. I’ve used some as I needed to clear space but I ended up not farming quite as hard as I would like to.

Coming up next is… next Lostbelt? I’ll slowly clear it up and maybe roll a bit for Asclepius.

Weekly FGO vol. 82


Summer has started! The rerun at least. A very early one.

Oh and that Grail Front has ended. The new chest box thing sure was annoying. I guess the developer managed to find a way to force people to actually fight instead of toying around with the AI to finish the map with as few fights as possible.

Back to summer, I did 22 rolls for Illya and managed to get her (second copy) right at the end. That’s good because new summer will be coming soon and there might be someone I actually want. Or not. We’ll find out.

Still slowly progressing through the story although I think I’ve cleared half the missions and a good chunk of the store.


Hunting quest! Yay. I need exactly that. Some essential mats, occasionally lots of qp, and most importantly exp cards. Each on their own is nothing special but getting all of them in single run is quite a deal.

Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get enough lancer exp cards. I did spend quite a lot of apples for that but getting over a thousand of it requires a bit too much effort.

Second day (today) is berserker cards and stakes. I don’t exactly need so much of the latter and I’ve farmed enough berserkers card so I’m taking it slowly until the next one.

I’ll need assassin cards the most but the item, horseshoe, I don’t exactly need too many of them at the moment so I don’t know if I’ll farm a lot there or just whatever. Maybe depends on if I can do it easily without too many taps.

Almost forgot but I did even more rolls on Jeanne Alter and didn’t get her. Welp. I did also get some more Salieris which is nice I guess and then two Tristans which I don’t think I’ll need because I’ve got Chloe for single target archer (although with him being quick may prove useful until Castoria arrives). The best part though, is I got Kaleidoscope. My first one. It’ll surely be useful for farming and stuff. Now I just need to get 5 more of it…

Weekly FGO vol. 81


Dead week next two weeks. At least the free tickets and grail is kinda nice. Also the new strengthening quests are pretty useful. Not so sure about Ozy’s but Sanzo and Bedi are definitely made them way easier to use especially for farming. I still need to level up Sanzo’s skills though. Them caster skill stones are pretty rare.

Nothing else in the horizon although maybe Merlin gacha banner coming up next week? Weird he’s not on banner despite being featured in the event banner.

Oh and as for the grail front itself, it’s… annoying. If I ignore the gold chest box, it’s still pretty easy. Things get very annoying once I try fetching them. Even more annoying the content isn’t all that useful. Low total cost allowed, very high master movement cost, and that chest box combined made the event this time very annoying. I guess I’ll ignore those boxes first time and come back later if I feel like to.


Meanwhile here, the current event is even deader than JP for me because I’m not reading it again.

In the mean time, I did 20 rolls even though I shouldn’t and of course I didn’t get Jalter. I did get Salieri though so that’s nice I guess.

Also Arjuna NP2. I don’t really find him all that useful though. He’s got no survival skill beyond debuff immunity and some heals. His damage buff only lasts for one turn and his NP charge only charges for 25%. Alone he’s not all that bad but I’ve got Napoleon and Jeanne Summer as well. And both provide some party buff better overall buff.

Weekly FGO vol. 80



Event is mostly done. I’ve also cleared the challenge quest… kind of.

It certainly wasn’t the smartest way to clear it. I used double Castoria and Musashi Summer to just bulldoze my way through.

May or may not look into clearing it again later.

I also still haven’t cleared the store yet. Maybe later this weekend as I’m currently busy in NA.


I ended up doing 20 rolls for Reines and got Napoleon instead (?). Well, that certainly wasn’t expected. He’s also pretty expensive to level up with loads of mats required for the skills.

Meanwhile I’m almost done with the event itself just need to get a few more event currencies.

And then the raid event. All Barbatos all day. Currently at 86 kills but I still need a lot more QP and mats. I hope I can get at least 200? The team is rather annoying though requiring order change because I don’t have enough firepower otherwise.

IPoE, but static IPv4

Continuing from previous post, at the end I mentioned about using Vultr to avoid paying extra for static IPv4 address through my ISP.

Well, there has been a different problem with IPv4 connection crapping out every now and then so I ended up getting that ISP static IP option hoping it will lessen the problem. No comment on that yet because it’s only been less than 12 hours since I got it set up.

So, the setup itself, because I’m not using one of the supported routers, I had to figure it out myself.

The ISP provides a few needed information for the setup:

  • Static IP Tunnel Endpoint: an IPv6 address to connect for IPv4 connectivity
  • Interface ID: IPv6 address suffix (last 4 group)
    • FreeBSD doesn’t support it (it’s ip-token in Linux) but it really is just for address suffix. Mine’s ::feed so my expected address is 2409:11:1c0:2300::feed. I have it set as external IP address
  • Static IPv4 Address: this is to be set at tunnel interface as source address.
    • There’s no IPv4 target address provided which is required for FreeBSD’s gif interface but apparently any address works. I put in
    • This blog says to use source as target as well but apparently it results in packet being forwarded back and forth indicated by 14ms ping to the source IP
  • “Update Server Details”: I have no clue what this actually does
    • It’s a set of URL, username, and password where you’re supposed to make a request to to update… something. The form is simple, just $URL?username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD. The URL uses internal domain so the DNS server from IPv6 autoconfiguration is required to resolve it
    • I just hit it with curl and the move on
    • I suspect it’s to tell the tunnel provider the expected source IPv6 address?

Geared with information above, there are a few changes needed since last post for setup on FreeBSD:

  • IP address on internet port should be suffixed with provided interface ID
  • Tunnel source and target address need to be adjusted
  • Tunnel interface need IPv4 address
  • Default routing for IPv4 is no longer on interface level (-iface gif) but instead the random IPv4 address used as tunnel target address ( in my example above)
  • NAT is not automatically available anymore so PF is required
  • Also on NAT, MSS will need to be fixed as well
    • I still don’t really understand how this works

Most of the changes should be obvious. And here’s the config for PF:

# This is pf.conf for FreeBSD and won't work on OpenBSD

# variable to not hardcode interface names and stuff
ext_if = gif0
net_local = ""

# I still don't know if this is needed. Or even what the correct value is.
scrub on $ext_if max-mss 1420

# basic nat
nat on $ext_if from $net_local -> ($ext_if)

IPoE, FreeBSD, and Realtek

Update: made it work again with Realtek (see update at the end).

Also: DS-Lite, Japanese ISP, ND proxy, and static IPv6.

After upgrading my server to FreeBSD 13, my ethernet failed to obtain autoconfigured IPv6 address which was weird. It’s been kinda weird before occasionally not receiving address manually after reboot but at least it works if I let it autoconfigure during boot.

Thanks to the fact the IPv6 works pretty much plug and play and usable on multiple systems just with switch, I booted up another FreeBSD 13 system hoping to find out if it’s some broken configuration on FreeBSD 13 on the server or something else.

The result was test system got its IPv6 autoconfigured, even manually with rtsol. Also weird was the main server got its address autoconfigured as well.

While at it, I wondered if I can just use static IP so the overall configuration can be simplified. And the answer was yes: it just works as long I enter the detail manually. I’ve been entering them mostly manually anyway so this was good news.

Good news it was, until I tried it on the main server itself: it worked when the modem and server are bridged by another switch but not when connected directly. It just didn’t work. Swapping back to the switch made it work again.

Back to testing, I tried direct connection to test server, and interestingly enough it worked right away. It also survived reboot, disconnect/reconnect, reconfiguration, etc.

At that point I pointed down it to the possibility of Fast Ethernet mode (100Base-TX) of Realtek just being weird and whipped out my old trusty USB ethernet dongle. And it just worked. Good job, Realtek.

So, yeah, something is broken with Realtek but I don’t care enough to dig deeper so dongle life it is.

As an extra, here’s my configuration, complete with ND proxy so the main server can distribute IPv6 address to other clients at home without having to bridge the modem directly (which gives horrible result of unwanted DNS suffix especially on Windows).

ISP is Interlink and using DS-Lite tunnel (“Multifeed” for this ISP) for IPv4 access.

### BEGIN /etc/rc.conf
# ue0 = internet port (connected to modem)
# em0 = internal port (connected to home switch)

# Basic static IPv6 configuration
# promisc option is probably set by ndproxy and not needed to be explicitly set here but I haven't tested it
# prefixlen 128 so no routing added for this port while keeping the requirement for internet port
# the address prefix and default route can be obtained when using autoconfiguration
ifconfig_ue0_ipv6="inet6 2409:11:1c0:2300:: prefixlen 128 promisc"

# DS-Lite tunnel
# target address can be obtained by searching the internet (multifeed) or just ISP documentation
# MTU is from experiment: raise MTU and ping around until it times out (and then add 28 bytes header)
# example: ping -s 1432 -D
# and then try 1434 (with MTU 1500)
ifconfig_gif0="inet6 tunnel 2409:11:1c0:2300:: 2404:8e00::feed:100 prefixlen 128 mtu 1460"
defaultrouter="-iface gif0"

# nd proxy. Don't forget to install the package first: pkg install ndproxy
# interface that connects to the uplink (internet)
# mac address of the interface above. Or maybe random address could also work. Not sure
# same as defaultrouter above but without interface name

# internal connection (with local IPv4 for NAT)
# same prefix as external interface but prefix 64
ifconfig_em0_ipv6="inet6 2409:11:1c0:2300::1 prefixlen 64 -accept_rtadv"

# for distributing ipv6 addresses. No configuration needed

# not sure which of the following are actually needed
# pretty sure at least corresponding forwarding sysctl are needed to be set if those two lines are not enabled

### END /etc/rc.conf

Interestingly NAT doesn’t need to be manually configured: the DS-Lite tunnel magically handles it. I also keep forgetting about this and confused by the lack of NAT setting in my pf.conf.

Note that the outgoing address 2409:11:1c0:2300:: isn’t reachable from internal network with this configuration. Use 2409:11:1c0:2300::1 instead, including for external access (like this blog).

I should also write up my Wireguard-based external IPv4 one of these days… (because I’m too cheap to pay for Interlink’s static IPv4 – Vultr additional IP for 220yen vs Interlink IPoE static IPv4 for 1100yen).

Update 2021-05-18: I installed Realtek driver (realtek-kmod package) and it works. I previously had to use it as the driver was missing in FreeBSD 12 but switched to the updated built-in driver when upgrading to 13. Tried again with the driver and it works in 13.

Weekly FGO vol. 79


There were some weird rolls. Besides of those two copies of MHXA above (while not getting Nitocris which I actually wanted for NP2), I also got one Jeanne (the original).

Oh, and I also got Mordred for some reason. I sure wish I got Artoria instead for a saber. Mordred is just barely more useful over Artoria Alter with her 30% NP charge (vs 20%) but she’s got no party buff. More useful for challenge quests but considering she’s got no evasion/guts/invulnerability, I would rather use… anyone else.

I did 44 rolls in total among those two banners. The two MHXA were actually obtained with just 11 rolls which was even weirder.

The event itself is pretty okay, I guess. Pretty simple and nothing too annoying.


Reines event is coming up in a few hours. I don’t know if I’ll roll for her. Maybe next time she comes around. I really need to save up for upcoming banners.

Meanwhile past few days I’ve been just farming for QP and exp cards and strengthening quests.

Xbox Series Controller (and related accessories)

I recently played a game which plays better using a controller. I tried using keyboard for a while but I ended up needing finer direction control and thus bought this. No wireless adapter because the new one isn’t compatible with Windows 8.

It was fine and all but the cable was rather annoying.

Digging around stores and flea markets (online), I found someone selling this older adapter for cheap. It was kinda suspicious and the seller took their time until finally sending this but thankfully it works fine so far. I have it permanently connected using included extension cable because the dongle is so large it blocks the other front panel port.

With wireless adapter problem solved, there’s one last thing required to ensure most convenient usage.

The battery, of course. Rechargeable because that’s just how it should be. I considered getting a fancy charger with display and stuff but ended up only getting a basic one because I probably won’t use them all that often anyway. Got a USB one because I don’t need to worrying powering it up. It also comes with LED torch which unfortunately rather annoying to use because the power button must be held for few seconds to turn it on instead of simple press.

Maybe I’ll finally buy a proper torch or something later.

Lastly, I figured I should just stock up the batteries for other devices like remote and stuff so here they are. Bought the cheapest Japanese battery I could find.

I’m now thinking of finally getting one of those remote controlled Lego cars

Matrox G550 PCI-e x1 Graphics Card

Fanless GT 1030 at the bottom for comparison

Ryzen doesn’t have internal graphics support so any servers using it that’s not server board (thus no external graphics chipset) will require PCI-e graphics card.

While I already have one for my main server (a Zotac GT710), I needed another one for my other server. That said, I didn’t originally need x1 card. Any x16 card would’ve worked but I stumbled on this while looking for cheap card on Yahoo! Auction.

It ended up a bit more expensive (compared to if I just pick random x16 card) but this one is x1 and the card is so small it’s kinda cute. The output being dual DVI is also rather interesting for server use although not that surprising considering it’s from Matrox. They kinida specialize on card with multiple outputs.

Despite being over 12 years old, the card still functions. For console use, at least. I didn’t try its graphics capability and FreeBSD has no support for it at all. An unconfigured Xorg just crashes.

Asus Blu-Ray Writer BW-16D1HT

I don’t remember last time I bought a new boxed optical disc drive.

My previous drive was bought second hand from YJA and while it reads discs fine, it doesn’t have support for those fancy UHD discs.

A very generic front panel.

One firmware flash later, it now is capable of reading UHD discs. Many thanks to folks at MakeMKV.

Now I think about it, I didn’t even bother testing the drive before flashing it…

Weekly FGO vol. 78


They just started pre-start campaign for the Waltz collaboration event. That sure is weird. I expected a rerun but we got this another non-event instead.

Jeanne is on pickup and her second skill got a very useful upgrade. Maybe I should do one roll or something.

Helena’s second skill upgrade is also pretty useful. Now if only her damage isn’t so painfully low…


Nothing announced for NA and the Gudaguda event is still ongoing. All that’s left for me is finishing three last missions and then challenge quest.

I need more QP…

Also EXP cards. A lot of both of them. Leveling up four SSRs isn’t easy, yo.

Weekly FGO vol. 77


Still no actual events. What’s with servant strengthening quests right after hunting quests…

So in the meantime I’ve been farming in Charlotte.

Let’s see if there’s anything next week. I kinda expect a rerun.


As can be guessed from screenshot above, I ended up rolling a lot for Okita Alter. 200 rolls to be exact.

Interestingly, along the way I got two other SSR servants. One of them is Ozymandias which is pretty useful thanks to his plainly high damage and have party NP charge. The other one is Nightingale which I’ve never had before. I’m not sure how useful she’ll be.

One thing for sure though, I don’t have remotely enough resource max anyone. Mainly QP and exp cards. This will take a while.

At 1.28% SSR rate, I hope this doesn’t affect my rolls for Jeanne and Okita Summer. And Merlin. I don’t know if I’ll have enough SQ to roll Lambda Lilith. Or even just the first three I mentioned. I have about 500 SQ at the moment which is about 160 rolls whereas it’s generally recommended to have about 300 rolls to make sure getting the target SSR.

As for the event, I’ve mostly finished… whatever can be finished. The second part will be unlocked tomorrow.

On unrelated note, Bella Lisa CE will be finally available tomorrow. I didn’t realize it’s out in JP on 2019-02 which means NA is late by two months.

Weekly FGO vol. 76


I ended up going the easier way on the challenge quest and all other quests due to lack of time 🙂

I also noticed the CE from SQ gacha this time give way more advantage compared to usual CE. Instead of boosting drops, it boosts damage up to 100%. Usually those are for free CEs but for some reason it’s SQ gacha here.

Rushing tower event at the end is pretty bad.

With that ended, it’s now Hunting Quest time. The bonus is surprisingly useful so far and not just the first day. It’s fangs and octuplets today. I’m pretty lacking of both so it’s just perfect. It would be easier had I maxed my Sanzang’s skill levels but the current one is just barely enough.

No news on the FGO Waltz collab (?) event yet. Golden week perhaps? And people have been guessing it’ll be Reines rerun soon… which will be fun because it’ll be the first run in NA sometime end of this month.


After one empty week, another Gudaguda rerun is coming up tomorrow. Maybe I’ll roll 10 times for Okita Alter…

Talking about rolling, I ended up doing 50 more rolls which thankfully ended up in getting one Kama. Yay?

Weekly FGO vol. 75


I was too slow and now rushing through the entire thing 😀 Currently about to finish the main story… after which will be another 100 floors of hell waiting. And like some tens of rather difficult quests. The challenge quest seems rather annoying but kinda doable if I just go all out with Himiko. Thankfully I got the SSR event CE which gives 50% bonus attack.


Done with Ooku. Just like last time in JP, I didn’t quite clear the challenge quest and ended up with double Skadi and Zerkerlot. And one full revive command spell.

I also did a bit more rolls. Way more than I should’ve, I think. And I still got nothing. Considering I’m still at 16 SSR servant from 1387 rolls, I guess that’s just par on course but that also means I can’t really complain if the next 200 rolls don’t yield me anything. I have at least Jeanne summer and Merlin rolls planned this summer. I do have over 350 rolls available for me so hopefully I should have enough rolls to force through the odds?

After checking my list, apparently Okita Alter banner is coming up in two weeks. Maybe I’ll do ten or so.

Weekly FGO vol. 74


It’s a new tower event. First third isn’t quite “tower” but overall it’s the same tower system.

Still going through it slowly.

On the other hand, I did 11 rolls for Nero Bride and got nothing.

Unrelated but apparently a new event is announced already. No date yet but it’ll have a new MHXA as welfare. The first welfare Foreigner. Now the only missing class for welfare is just Avenger.


Ooku time! I did 30 rolls in the end and got nothing as well.

Same thing as JP, still going through it slowly. Although I think I’m about past halfway. There are still quite a lot of corridors to browse through…

Weekly FGO vol. 73


Oh wow this week has ended already. Nothing much happened. I’ve been mostly just farming for QP and sometimes check Interludes (as they’re half AP at the moment).

New event starts next week. No hints of participating servants or anything yet.


Similar to JP, nothing here either. Also farming for QP. As can be kind of seen from above screenshot, I’ve got enough mats but no QP to max her skills. At current rate I wonder how long it’ll take me to finally get enough QP for her… Not to mention I’ve got couple other SSR servants that is also in similar situation.

No announcement of Ooku yet but they’ll be having some broadcast next week so maybe it’ll start right afterwards or something. I don’t remember Ooku being particularly difficult in term of the battles but clearing the maps will involve a lot of tapping and loading. I hope they include the latest patch in JP rerun which sped things up.

Weekly FGO vol. 72

Finally maxed; both fou and grail


Finished the event and now back to farming QP.

Cleared the challenge quest copying from this guy.

Not quite the exact same (especially the skill levels) but close enough allowing me to clear it.

No announcement yet for the next event…


Still need more farming here. It’ll be pretty close.

Cleared the quest with my only avenger. Pretty easy with double skadi.

Next event here would be Ooku. It’s over one week apart in JP but maybe NA will move up the schedule to allow running Final Honnoji before anniversary? NA anniversary is quite a bit earlier compared to JP so that makes things more fun. And slightly more difficult to predict.

Weekly FGO vol. 71


Chaldea Boys Collection 2021 event has started. Phantom Thief Amakusa this time. Jing Ke also got buff for more damage against enemies with King trait.

The event itself is just usual event with no mission. The mats in store this time are all useful which is great.

I did some (50) rolls for Amakusa but got none. I did get the rate up SR though and a few event CEs.

Currently I’m at 23 SSR servant after 3008 rolls. That works out at 0.76% which is kinda low. I’ll see how low I can go.


Annoyingly for NA I haven’t finished the event. I made mistake farming wrong node for too long and ended up clearing the main quest very late. I’m catching up now with just few more quests remaining. I think there’s at least one higher difficulty quest remaining but I haven’t unlocked it.

Up next would be Mortiary event. No rolls planned here.

Weekly FGO vol. 70


Valentine is over. Time sure flies. All that’s left is getting all the chocolates.

Current event is some download campaign which is nice I guess? The free ticket and fous especially.

Cleared the remaining strengthening quests as well since they’re half AP at the moment.

Next event will be some rerun maybe? White day is still a bit far.


Still on BB event. I think I’ve cleared a good chunk of it. I still haven’t finished the main story yet though because I want to get all the debuffs available for the easiest fight.

This one will still be ongoing for a bit more but at current rate I should be able to finish it in few days, leaving a week or so of nothing to do.

Weekly FGO vol. 69


I cleared the event. Except the last CE drop and opening all the chocos (and gifts).

Had some… difficulty clearing the challenge quest so I stole this guy’s setup. Well, almost. I replaced Andersen with another Castoria so it’s quite a lot easier.


BB event has started. Fun ahead. I cleared one “fun” already though. King Protea fight sure is way easier with Jeanne and Merlin and Mash combo. I should’ve used plugsuit and swap in Jalter Summer instead of waiting for the def to be low enough and so I can crit damage to finish her in one turn.

And now I just need to slowly go through the main story…

Oh and open those valentine things.

Weekly FGO vol. 68


It’s Valentine time. Or something. I rolled for Caren. 66 times to be exact. And that second copy of Chiyome was the sole non-R servant I got. At least she could work better now with NP2 for double Castoria system or something.

Thankfully I did get a bunch of event CEs of all rarities. Too bad I didn’t get enough to MLB the SR and SSR ones.

The event itself has just barely started and that rush mission thingy was mildly interesting.

9 enemies left and that’s what I netted. The enemies refill was pretty intense and I forgot to use command seal as I’m writing this. Whoops.

Tomorrow is Moon Cancer day and I’m not sure how to deal with that one. It’ll probably still at least involve Musashi summer.


Valentine in NA is almost over. Technically there’s still about a week left but all that’s left for me is just a bit of farming. Or a lot of them.

The challenge quest was, as I mentioned last week, handled by Ishtar and Kintoki. That worked rather well.

Up next will be BB event. Unlike this Valentine event, this one is pretty difficult. Especially that final Detour Quest. I did clear it last time with low rarity servants so I should be able to manage it this time around as well. I need to dig up my records for references though.