Aaaaand that was not quite expected.
Continue readingWeekly FGO vol. 45
Still slowly progressing through the event story. At least I did finish the main story and now clearing the extra part.
The appearance of Okita summer was a nice surprise.
As for challenge quest, considering the time I’ll probably just end up doing what I did for my older account – Voyager, Mash, and Merlin party.
Hmm Fate/Zero rerun. The number of currencies sure is stupid. At least gathering them isn’t too difficult and the free event CE provides NP charge so that helps.
No rolls because I’m still saving and I don’t need any particular servant anyway. Although some Zerklot or NP2 Emiya sure would be nice.
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 9
Late because I was too lazy to write this.
So the teacher who’s reborn as mixed blood retired. That was short. A bit disappointed. The new teacher seems like more forgiving about Anos.
The new girl from Hero Academy sure seems like she knows something about the (actual) hero.
Is this the last arc for current adaptation?
Oregairu kan ep. 9
Weekly FGO vol. 44
Still slowly going through the story. I’ve been a bit busy with other stuff so I’ve even been farming QP instead of event mats as I’ve cleared most of the shop.
Interestingly they released older Mashu summer costume in Rare Prism shop. I bought that as I’ve got quite a few extra RPs.
Otherwise nothing too exciting. I heard the challenge quest this time isn’t too difficult either. That should work out just fine for me as as I’ve mentioned above, I’m rather busy with other stuff at the moment.
It’s been half AP exp card farming week. Next week is Fate/Zero collab event rerun. It’s one of the older event and the CEs used aren’t of limited time. I’ve got some of them so farming shouldn’t be too bad.
I still don’t have Angra Mainyu though. I cleared up my friend points last week and got nothing.
I originally planned to roll for Waver on this event but I got him unexpectedly early few months ago so there’s nothing I really need at this event’s banner although Lancelot would be nice. But then again I don’t have Kaleidoscope so he won’t be as useful anyway and NP1 Lancelot can’t quite deal enough damages in some cases.
I’m still recovering from my roll for Salter summer (and Jannu summer) so my SQ situation isn’t exactly good at the moment anyway. The 10 ticket coming up soon is nice but I need to save for Okita (and Musashi) next summer. Oh, and Merlin.
Oregairu kan ep. 8
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 8

That was a lot of battles. Anos vs Lay of course, the following battle was also quite something with Anos being put in some kind of disadvantages although unfortunately the villain is in the wrong anime.
Next week is about… Hero Academy? Um what.
Oregairu kan ep. 7
Late because I lacked sleep at the broadcast day.

The rap sure wasn’t expected, lol.
That student council president ended up being more useful than expected giving Hachiman team relatively good feedback.
At current rate it looks like this will be the last arc? Or second last?
It took me until the end to realize what the episode title actually means. Poor Yui having to observe them until the end.
Weekly FGO vol. 43
It’s summer! It’s camping time! Or something. Now I think about it, first one wasn’t even really limited to sea but a whole island. Second one… I’m not even sure if there’s sea element at all. First part was like various places and second part was just prison area. Third one is the closest one being sea-themed but just like first one it was also a whole island which has mountain as well. And lastly last year was… Las Vegas. It’s fucking desert.
I guess they’ve never done exclusively sea-themed to begin with!
This one though is pretty much just mountain. It’s got lake but that’s about it.
Also it’s got Illya summer which I thankfully was able to get with limited amount of stones.
Still going slowly through the quests. Weirdly enough I’m almost done with the store even though I’m barely halfway through the story.
Meanwhile on my old account, I’ve been trying to get Castoria. A bit over 300 rolls and she hasn’t appeared at all ;_; Not only that, I haven’t even gotten any SSR servant at all. The probability for that to happen is 5% which is kinda ridiculous. There’s still one last day but I’m not holding my breath. I’ll just get over with it and try again next time =[
Meanwhile in NA, summer is over. I cleared the whole store just in time. Oh, I said I’m not rolling anything but that was a lie. I did end up rolling for Jeanne summer.
And unlike my old JP account, thankfully I got her in 23 rolls.
While she isn’t all that useful for now, she should be pretty useful once Castoria comes out… in two years…
And I still don’t have Lancelot. I haven’t gotten Kaleidoscope either. I can’t use my Skadi in full ;_; Considering I won’t pull for anything until next summer, this will be a rather annoying year. At least Skadi and Waver together make good NP charger.
Coming next (after the 11M download) would be Fate/Zero collab rerun. I still haven’t gotten Angra Mainyu…
Randomly Max Coffee
So I was walking around Akiba last weekend (which I probably shouldn’t have) and noticed one of the vending machines is selling this. I’m not sure how common it is but this is the first time I noticed it (ever) and I figured might as well try it. It’s Oregairu’s Hachiman favorite drink and apparently the writer’s (Watari Wataru) as well?
I haven’t tried it but apparently it’s on the “very sweet” end of sweet beverage ranks.
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 7
Fate/stay night HF3
Spoiler free =)
Also be careful when going out during this period. Mask etc. Waiting for blu-ray is probably preferred.
This series sure last very long time. Not just the various spinoffs and stuff but even the main story has just only finished getting animated this year. Also interesting this is one of the few VN adaptations which have all the routes covered.
By the magic of living nearby movie theater and looking at the seating at perfect timing, I managed to watch this on release day.
Loads of cool fights which are only possible by the anime media. ufotable didn’t disappoint as usual. Everyone got their own cool moments with highlight of course Emiya’s fights.
The only complaint I have would be the epilogue focused a bit too much on Sakura and Rin with almost nothing else getting explanation.

The quote is very HF-Shirou.
Oregairu kan ep. 6
Weekly FGO vol. 42
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 6
Weekly FGO vol. 41
5th anniversary events have started trickling in. The Memorial Quests so far are quite easy.
The strengthening quests are pretty interesting too with Phantom getting a long overdue buff. It’s almost copy-pasted from Alexander but almost better if not for only 90% maximum chance. It sure would be nice if they increase the rate as well but he’s got the debuff rate buff so maybe it’s fine. There’s nothing more to it though so his usefulness is still rather questionable.
Darius buff is pretty good one though. While not buff, buster def down for enemies is pretty close. This also brought him even further from Kiyohime who is already underpowered.
The last one from yesterday was David and he finally got his anti-giant damage boost. His skill set is already plenty good so this just makes him slightly more useful.
There’s only one low rarity servant buff remaining and I heard it’ll be more buff for Cu OG. That doesn’t sound quite right because he already has his NP buff and his skill set is pretty much overpowered. A buff for Cu proto instead would be welcome.
As for the rest higher rarity servants, I so far don’t have any of them, lol. I don’t usually use them either so I don’t know how much improvements they are. The Gubijin buff of buff removal resistance seems to be the most useful.
The CE banner is just weird so I’m skipping it.
Next update will probably be after their live stream on Monday. The timing is pretty annoying because while it’s holiday, it’s also the last long weekend day which means there isn’t much time to fully enjoy whatever updates they put out. Especially if they also start summer event simultaneously – then it’ll be a pretty big update to digest.
As I mentioned in a post earlier, I managed to get Salter summer during last day of her banner. That was nice. I also cleared the events barely on time.
Summer Fes has started and I mentioned earlier I don’t have spare gems/tickets at the moment so I only did single pull of Jeanne banner and got Fuuma. It was pretty much expected to miss.I wonder if I should try Dantes banner as well. Maybe I’ll do just one. Rolls as typing this… and the result is… Alexander. Ha ha ha 😐
Anyway! My current progress for the event itself is one sixth purely from the doujin power perspective. It should be pretty accurate. I don’t remember the most efficient way to clear this so for now I’m clearing the currency store first. I still need 1800 Gil dollars and over 3000 of the other two dollars. This will take a while but the event will be up for another two weeks. There should be enough time to clear everything.
Oregairu kan ep. 5
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 5
That was a relatively simple episode. And for a change it’s not so much as Anos showing off his power but more like he having some fun at least for the latter part.
I half expected the three people team is final but apparently it’s not. Not sure about the Unitarian folks though and how they’ll contribute to the story.
Salter summer NP2
Oregairu kan ED Single – Diamond no jundo
Same deal as the opening. The cover for this one is the new anime style instead of Ponkan 8.
And instead of poster, the extra is a mini clear file. Either are equally useless.
Oregairu kan ep. 4
Oreigairu kan OP Single – Megumi no ame
It’s a thing. I forgot about it but it’s nothing rare. They sure recycled the cover well.
The thing on the left is “dekajake” (big jacket?). I haven’t taken out the plastic wrap but it sure looks like a color printed paper of the cover image enlarged. It’s almost shikishi-sized just a bit short.
The B3 poster is reversible with the other side being the photo of yanaginagi herself.
I’ll need to rip the CD sometime. I suspect I haven’t even opened the CDs for S2 theme songs so I’ll do that as well.
Weekly FGO vol. 40
Finished the event! I didn’t want to bother thinking for challenge quest so I cleared it with command seals.
I also got this rather useless servant to NP5. That sure is something. If only he appears on my NA account instead.
Current event won’t end until next week but apart of a bit of farming I’m mostly done with it. Will be back to farming green cubes, I guess.
Summer 2019 Rerun! Salter summer pickup! Chance for NP2! Except I didn’t get her. I did 180 rolls and the only SR or above servants I got were three copies of Helena summer. She’s pretty useful as I still don’t have Kaleidoscope but an actual Kaleidoscope sure would be nice. And Salter summer.
With that, I emptied my SQ and tickets. I guess I won’t be rolling for Edmond. Or Jannu summer. Or anyone. Until next year for Okita summer. Hopefully I will gather enough fund by then.
Meanwhile on the event itself, I’ve finished the main story and challenge quests. First part, as I mentioned last week, I used command seals but for the second part I finished it without. Shiki and Jannu sure can go a long way.
I’m still rather far behind on farming but the event is ending soon. It looks like I’ll be mostly farming for this event this weekend.
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 4
And, well, everyone live on and happily ever after. Of course. The ring mentioned last week also made appearance. No surprise here either.
New arc next week.
I remembered to check this during broadcast time but as it turned out just having Amazon Prime (Video) isn’t enough for watching during premiere. Thus to the high seas I went (or just wait because I’ve set up things).
Weekly FGO vol. 39
CCC done. I did finish it with the least amount of effort. Apparently the repeatable last quest can be repeated indefinitely by unlocking it with rare prism?
Ooku has started and it’s a lot of no-battle quests. Thankfully they fixed the loading screen problem.
As for Anniversary and Summer announcements, it looks like we’ll be getting early info on Famitsu just like last few years.
At any rate, August 10th will be the start of either Summer or Anniversary event. Or both.
Part 2 starts today. I think. The nice thing about this event is it’s twice the store and thus fous. Also nice the CEs are mostly shared.
On semi-related note, I finished the first challenge quest with some help of command seals.
I’m not sure what to do with Salter Maid banner yet.
Oregairu kan ep. 3
Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 3
This show sure is broadcasted at interesting time. It’s convenient but I forgot about it until it’s a bit too late. Not that it matters because watching this one raw is a bit difficult due to all the terminologies.
The title says Sasha’s true intention but the last scene kinda hints that her actual intention hasn’t actually been revealed 😐
I initially thought it’s the remaining time to the end of exam but it’s actually the end of the day.
His talk with Ivis was also pretty interesting. I wonder if figuring out the “fake” Demon King is the main theme of this anime adaptation. That would be nice. I’m not holding my breath though.
Oregairu kan ep. 2
Watched it during premiere! On Amazon Prime Video because for some reason they’re the earliest to broadcast it. Also the only place I can legally watch it.
Continue readingWeekly FGO vol. 38
Hunting week has ended. The drops were pretty useful on all days for once.
And then now… CCC rerun…
I already have BB so it’ll be just mainly for the rare prism and lore. It’s only a week though.
Summer rerun! Maid Salter! Starts this Friday. I can finally MLB my Dive to Blue.
Once done, we’ll probably go straight to ServaFes. Maybe with one week break.
I hope the farming won’t be too bad. I’m running low on Apples ;_;
Oregairu (+S2)
Ha, who am I kidding, this series is too good to not be watched in single two sittings. One day for the first season, and another one for the second season.