I almost forgot about this series. DDL, etc. Just as previous chapter, this one also scanlated by viscans.
Update: what, the title is obviously Hitsugi no Chaika.
[ Fileserve | myconan.net ]
I almost forgot about this series. DDL, etc. Just as previous chapter, this one also scanlated by viscans.
Update: what, the title is obviously Hitsugi no Chaika.
[ Fileserve | myconan.net ]
Here be fileserve link to Hitsugi no Chaika chapter 1 which seems to be recommended by Kurogane.
Here’s the bash command I used to leech from this batoto.com thingy. Originally one-liner but reformatted for readability:
for i in {1..66}; do curl -O "$(curl http://www.batoto.net/read/_/52737/hitsugime-no-chaika_ch1_by_village-idiot/$i | grep 'img src="http://img.batoto.com/comics/' | sed -E 's/.*src="([^"]+)".*/1/')" done
Yes, I parsed html
using sed/regex
Flame away.
PS: Apparently I fail at leeching shit. Should’ve checked file formats before deciding it’s jpg. Just extract the files and rename the files with correct extension if you’re feeling dilligent (or getting broken image with MMCE). Only page 1-4 are jpg.
PS: whatever. Fixed everything. Added ddl from my own site since I want to waste some bandwidth.
[ Fileserve | myconan.net ]