(main purpose of this post is to link this “server error” page of rubygems.org)
The relevant issue in Rails Issue Tracker (3789). AFAICT, there are few ways to “fix” (read: workaround) this:
- Modify the relevant Rack code to handle this crap
- Create additional middleware to intercept (how?) the request (tried, either didn’t work or horribly inefficient)
- Extend rack before it is started
Well, they all sucks. Hopefully someone comes up with actual working solution for this.
Oh, there’re another solutions:
- Use REE 1.8 (really?)
- Use JRuby in 1.8 mode
- Use Rubinius (rbx 2.0 where?) in 1.8 mode
Um, yeah.
Update: I figured out how to “fix” it. Check it out in Moebooru (requires this).