Maou gakuin no futekigousha ep. 1-2

Everyone seemed to talk about this being another Ore tue and it got my interest when I heard about the MC throwing a castle around. It sounded too absurd to pass by so I started watching it.

It sure is fun. It’s got pretty much what I expect from a series with a proud overpowered MC. I didn’t expect him to be actually one month old and was like completely grow up just like that.

That girl up there is very much template tsundere. And it’s good.

Curious what Misha’s abilities are.

Oregairu ep. 2

Maybe the tendency has been there since beginning

Second episode! They introduced the problem Yuigahama is having, a hint to her and Hachiman’s past, and a new member.

The pace is pretty good as time flew by without me noticing.

Oregairu ep. 1

Since I really have forgotten what’s happened, I started rewatch \o/

Boy that sure was one fun opening episode. I didn’t even remember that it went like that initially. Their initial dialogue also pretty much carries over till the third season.

I’ll probably be watching two-three episodes or so a day hoping I can fully catch up in one or two weeks.

Assuming I don’t go full marathon instead.

Which is kinda possible.

Oregairu kan ep. 1

Suddenly yuri?

Finally gotten around to watch this. And then I completely at loss on what’s going on. I probably should’ve rewatched Zoku (or even from the first season) beforehand.

So, apparently it continues straight off from the end of second season. Which is five years ago.

I even forgot that the original season has way better character design.

It also feels closer to the original Ponkan-8 design.

Oh well, at this point story takes priority and I’ll just march on. And maybe get around reading novel one day.

Weekly FGO vol. 37

That took a while


Still nothing much. There’s a rather weird mixed bag banner which nobody should pull from and then hunting quests.

No bones this time but I also need fangs so that’s nice-ish. Didn’t get enough of that. And then the second one today is ammos. I also can use them especially as Santa Nightingale requires 180 of them for skill level upgrade to 9.

There might be another event before anniversary? Or maybe not? No idea.


Anniversary! GSSR! Fous and stuff! Also, Skadi.

Pulled Caster GSSR because I can use Merlin or Illya or Sanzang. I didn’t get either but instead an Anastasia. She’s pretty good but 50% NP charger with area NP servant isn’t exactly rare for Caster. Helena and Nitocris, both NP2, sure are some nice bonus though.

After some terrible SSR pulls, I got her with 4 tickets. That was weird. I’m not complaining though.

That said, I don’t have that many quick servants. Not even Zerklot. There’s Edmond banner coming up next month but I’m not sure if I want to. Considering I’ll need NP2 to make him efficient enough it’ll be rather useless. I may pull the main swimsuit banners instead for about 10 rolls. Twice. Once for Salter, another one for Jeanne.

I cleared memorial quests… kind of. Used command seal for the last one. It was the first time I do the quest ever. I may come back later or something.

I also finished LB2 and finally got enough grails for level 100 Okita.

Weekly FGO vol. 36

That’s not Reines


So there’s new interludes and Reines got a major skill upgrade closing in her usefulness to Waver.

I had some extra SQ which I probably should’ve saved for whatever summer event but I rolled like 20 times on her banner. And of course I didn’t get her.

Otherwise, it’s just mostly farming for bones, dusts, and shields. I probably should mix in mana prism farming in between as well.


It’s early July which means Independence Day which is a good timing for rerun of Bunyan. It’s just a simple story event and I already have her anyway, so it’s not really all that interesting. That reminded me I probably should upgrade her skills etc.

Next week is probably anniversary? And Skadi pickup? And GSSR? Fun stuff ahead.

Weekly FGO vol. 35


So, uh, I’ve cleared the event. Used all the command spells available because I can’t be arsed to waste some tens of millions of QP to figure out how to clear the quest which required 50M QP per run.

Similarly for challenge quest. Although I probably can try some more things before the event ends. Maybe this weekend.

Anyway, I cleared the QP quest with double Merlin and Spartacus and some command seals. As for challenge quest, I used solo Merlin which should’ve worked if he’s NP2 or higher. He wasn’t so I couldn’t get him to heal quick enough so he could survive all the attacks.

Now I think about it, could a solo Hans work instead? 🤔 It would take even more turns and he’s missing invulnerability buff but he’s got def buff so maybe? Or maybe not unless I grail him to 90 or something.


Gutterdam has started and so has Valkyrie banner. After a long streak of shit luck, gacha god have finally given me their mercy and I was allowed to pull Valkyrie just with three tickets. Now I have some extra rolls for Skadi banner.

As for the story quest itself, I’m going slowly through it. I don’t remember any particularly difficult part so it should be fine?

Anker Soundcore Life P2

I’ve never liked idea of disposable expensive gadgets but at 5000 yen I figured it might be fine. So that thing above I bought.

The sounds quality seems fine. Latency is pretty bad especially with iPhone’s AAC (about 500ms?). It seems a bit faster with aptX but still noticeably slow.

Oh, and in some cases there’s different delay between left and right ears on Android/aptX. Not sure why.

Thankfully it’s not a problem for the main purpose I bought this thing for. Music listening is certainly okay and so is video watching. Apparently it somehow knows how much delay and adjust accordingly?

There’s barely any control available. Play/pause, next/previous track, answer/end/reject call, and Siri/other assistant controls are available. And that’s it. The manual list Volume up/down as “control via connected device”.

I don’t have usable PC with bluetooth so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow as the bluetooth USB thingy I bought is only arriving tomorrow.

Weekly FGO vol. 34

Still no interesting screenshot so here’s servant list of my freshly made test account


I’ve cleared the event shop without using apples. Now all that’s left is clearing the quests and main story which are still locked.


Barely finished the event in time.

Up next is… Gutterdam? Followed by anniversary? Skadi is coming but I barely have any sq.

Weekly FGO vol. 33

No particularly interesting screenshot this week so here’s my current SSR lineup on main JP account


Suddenly summer rerun. I’ve got all the CEs I’ll ever need for this event so I’m doing this slowly by loading everyone with event CE and do the many turns farming instead of aiming for 3 turns as usual.

This results in slow but efficient farming in term of clearing the shop. I’ll swap them out once I clear everything out including some of the monuments because I’m running low on some of them.


Meanwhile here, I barely have any event CE so I’m farming rather slowly here. I still don’t have Kaleidoscope so it’ll be slow regardless.

I’ve finished the main story and now grinding for the extra arc.

Still quite a lot of items in the shop as well and it’s not going to be finished anytime soon. I hope I have enough time for this with less than one week remaining…

Weekly FGO vol. 32


Done with the event! Mostly.

Cleared the challenge quest in lazy mode with Salter, Merlin, and Waver. That was rather easy. Not sure how I’d do it with low rarity considering it involves nuking out the mobs (which is different class), and depending on the arrangement, may also involve surviving insta-death from Erice’s NP. And full calculation of HP etc if trying with lower rarity. I ain’t got no time for that.

I also tried pulling Voyager as apparently he’s quite good for farming. Except of course I didn’t get any with just 22 rolls.

I did get him on my older account in just 6 rolls though so that’s annoying. I hope I didn’t just waste all my luck on that pull.

Oh, and, yeah, I grailed Erice up to 90 because I have some extra grails and I don’t really have anyone to give them to. I probably should’ve given them to Spartacus or Arash but hey, Elice is cute, so, yay 🤷‍♀️


Gudaguda Final has started. I did 10 rolls for Okita Alter. Then I got nothing. Not even SR anything. Shit luck as usual, I guess.

Back to farming, still of course farming while clearing the missions.

Server updates

I thought this will be the last update for this server this year but then I remembered I will update the SSD storage soon.

I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this but I bought two cheap sticks of ECC RAMs. Annoyingly the cheaper one turned out to be rather defective so I went on getting another cheap stick. Thankfully my second gamble worked and now the system is running on ECC in most of the stacks. The end cost is about 24k including the loss from defective stick.

In the process I realized the system has been running with just two fans – one intake and one exhaust. I got that fixed by adding three more fans so the total is now three intakes (two at the front, one at bottom) and two exhaust (back and side).

I’ll probably move the side exhaust to the top sometime later because it’s a bit too close to the bottom intake fans. Moving to the top may cause another problem though as it’ll be blowing warm air to my router which is located on top of the case. The top case is already rather crowded so I can’t move it anywhere else.

Now I think about it, I’ll probably keep it like this for now.

The other upgrade (a pair of 500GB SSD) coming soon should fix the lack of space for my home directory (which is shared with root filesystem whoops).

Weekly FGO vol. 31


Fate/Requiem event. The dice rolling game is kind of interesting? It doesn’t really do anything apart of making it difficult entering nodes though lol.

Didn’t roll for anything because the best one is the welfare.

Almost done with the story. Still need to actually finish it though. One last chapter.

I checked the challenge quest and I’m not sure how difficult it’ll be. At least the main enemy is lancer which means at worst I can try using Okita.


Hunting… quest…

I didn’t have enough grail for Okita though so she’s currently stuck at level 96 😔

Next event is Gudaguda featuring Okita Alter! I don’t have much SQ left though and I think Skadi takes priority at the moment. Maybe I’ll try just 10 pulls. Hopefully that’ll be enough (lol).

Weekly FGO vol. 30


With the only event being half AP training grounds, there aren’t much to do. Or anything at all apart of just doing the usual mana prism farming.

I was halfway through Salem but paused because mana prism.

Fate/Requiem event is coming soon. I have no clue about the series itself 🙃


Similarly in NA, there’s Holmes event but it’s just a purely story event so there’s nothing much here either.

I did finish Salem and maxed Shiki along the way. That costed a lot of bones. 108 of them to be precise.

Still slowly going through free quests and stuff hoping to get one more Okita. She hasn’t appeared again so far.

After Holmes and hunting quest week, Okita Alter event is coming up. I have no sq though so maybe next year during rerun… but then again Okita Summer will be around so I’m not sure.

Weekly FGO vol. 29


I didn’t want to think too much on challenge quest so I cleared it with all the ☆5 supports and my Okita 😎

I ended up scraping for SQ during the last Okita Alter banner but still no NP3. In the end I did 51 rolls.

I finished Shimousa along the way though so that’s nice. I can finally upgrade Fuuma’s NP.

No new event in sight yet.


Okita banner! 216 rolls total for two Okitas. Yay? Or more like 432 if counting my previous failed rolls. That almost rivals my 300 rolls for single Merlin. And still hasn’t topped my 484 rolls for a single Musashi Summer (although I didn’t really aim for her at the time).

I also got Arjuna along the way. And a bunch of ☆4 servants. Annoying there’s still no Kaleidoscope. I got one Imaginary Element but I still need two more to limit break it.

It looks like I’ll be relying on (double) Waver or Arash or Nitocris for the foreseeable future.

Current plan is still more or less the same: 10 pulls for each event if there’s anyone interesting, and save the rest for Skadi and Okita Summer. And maybe Okita Alter.

As I got curious if there will even be anyone interesting until Skadi (apart of Valkyrie), I did a quick check and there’s Okita Alter (and Izo) and Salter Summer it seems? I’m not even sure how many SQ I can gather until then considering I’m currently at 0.

I do have 91 paid SQ but I’ll be saving them for next 3 years of GSSR. Assuming I’ll still play this until 2023. Or if the game still even exist.

As for the event itself, I’m almost done, just need to do last few farming. The challenge quest for this one is relatively easy thanks to all the event CE’s bonus damages.

Weekly FGO vol. 28

I actually almost forgot about this post. At least there should be some more content in few days.


Apparently I managed to get a single copy of Jalter as screenshotted above. It took me 68 rolls to get her. I did another 53 but got nothing.

With Gudaguda Final rerun’s Okita Alter, I did some more rolls with whatever tickets and gems I have left and managed to get no Okita. At least I got two more Nagayoshi so he’s NP3 now.

I sure could use NP3 Okita Alter but oh well.

On the event itself, I think I’m halfway done farming. And as the extra events are just unlocked today, those are still ongoing as well. There’s about one week remaining so it shouldn’t be too difficult.

I’m not sure about the challenge quest though. I think I did clear it last time with low rarity servants but I sure don’t remember how. I hope I left some screenshots I can refer so I don’t need to find it out again.

Oh, and I cleared Olympus during the 0 AP campaign. It sure was annoying in a lot of ways. Haven’t read the story though as I’m backlogged as far back as Yuga.


Oh right, there was Apocrypha event two weeks ago. With the power of Spartacus and double Waver, the challenge quest sure was easy.

I also grailed him to 80 as can be seen halfway in the screenshot above. I’ll probably get him to 90 as well here. Or maybe 100 🤔 He’s generally useful with good skills and NP, just lacking in stats because of 1☆.

Meanwhile, it’s Gudaguda Meiji Restoration here. They skipped the Holmes event for reasons (apparently they just don’t do real life collab events?). That means no NP upgrade of Taiga or Bedivere for now.

Okita banner should be coming next Thursday I think? It’d be pretty annoying if they skip Okita banner as that’s her last banner even in JP. I have 488 sq and 13 tickets which amount to 175 rolls. Combined with my previous failure with 216 rolls, I sure hope those will be enough to get at least one.

Weekly FGO vol. 27


Free SSR for 20M download campaign sure wasn’t expected. Waver is in the roster so most people who want to have easier farming time and don’t have him already will probably pick him.

I got one myself as well. Now I’m only missing Skadi for support with NP charge. Pictured above is my older account which has Waver (and Skadi) already I got more Mordred instead. Blue Saber is useful as well but NP2 SSR seems better.

With this, both my JP and NA accounts have Waver. In same month \o/ April was Waver month.

There’s still no hint of next event…

And lastly, I need to remember finishing Olympus during this 0 AP story campaign.


Apocrypha event is still ongoing. Main story should be ending soon, I think? I’ve emptied the store and the remaining raids don’t have that good of drops so I’ve most stopped, only doing raids when the AP naturally recharged.

I’m still lacking a lot of mats but I think I’ll save my apples for better raid or box events.

Also, it’s May! Which means Okita banner is coming soon. Or not so soon as it’s still at least three weeks away. I’ll have about 150 rolls for her. Hopefully that’ll be enough for at least NP1. NP2 sure would be nice.

Skadi and Okita Alter are coming soon as well. I’ll probably do 10 rolls for Okita Alter and Valkyrie then save the rest for Skadi. Assuming I have anything left after Okita banner, that is.

Weekly FGO vol. 26

Previous event farming


Amazingly still nothing. There will be a special livestream later today so there may be a rerun of something. El Melloi collab event rerun perhaps? That would mean Waver gacha time. Or maybe Kama? We’ll find out in 18 hours.


Apocrypha event has started. Unfortunately the berserker I prepared can barely manage deal enough damage. Maybe enough with LB’d event CE? It’ll still be a while until I gather enough points for it.

No particular servant I want on rate-up so I’ll be skipping that. Still hoping for NP2+ Okita next month ;-; (currently at 450-ish SQ)

Server upgrade (part 2)

So FreeBSD ran stable on my latest Ryzen setup for at least 18 hours. I guess it’s safe to say it’s stable now.

The x1 graphics card has arrived, and it works without problem. It sure is nice having a tiny graphics card. Maybe I should get more of this.

There were small hitch after I changed back the SATA cabling to connect to the HBA. Some of the drives weren’t detected properly for some reason. Fiddled with the cables a bit and thankfully everything came back up normal.

With this, the upgrade is mostly done. Apart of the ethernet card which I’m still waiting for arrival of the ones with correct bracket and ECC RAM which will be a while until I save enough money for.

There’s also SMR drives situation. I recently learned that manufacturers have started switching to SMR drives which has relatively low random write speed. That explained why the resilver time was so horrible back when I upgraded the pool. Thankfully it can buffer some burst load although it’s not always enough for ZFS operations. The read speed should be mostly fine so I’m thinking of keeping these drives until they die which then I’ll buy normal PMR drives for the replacements. Unfortunately, those will be a bit expensive.

Oh, I almost forgot one more upgrade coming whenever this pandemic situation is over. I’m thinking of taking home a pair of 500GB-ish SSD currently sitting idle in work dev server. I can use them for my home partition as the (NVMe) disk is getting full at 70% and my home directory somehow accounts for 100GB (20%) of it. Slightly slower home directory will be a bit sad but it’s better than having full disk.

Unrelated, but looking again, I considered getting X470 motherboard instead of X570. It’s a bit cheaper and doesn’t need fan. It also has better PCIe configuration at x8/x8 instead of my current X570’s x16/x4. Too bad one of the M.2 NVMe slots is only PCIe Gen 2 x2 (the cheap one). That’s a bit on the slower side for NVMe disk. Still, I probably should’ve gone with that one. I might even be able to fit x16 graphics card on the x1 slot. It’s too late now. RIP me.

There’s also the ASRock Ryzen server motherboard which price quite a lot lower than I thought at 30k. But that one is, well, more expensive. And involves buying directly overseas.

Server upgrade

Not the final form

I’ve been considering this on and off quite a long time ago as I noticed the Intel part post-Ivy Bridge isn’t going to get much cheaper. And then during my 10Gbit upgrade a while back, I learned my server could barely handle half of 10Gbit available. There’s also problem with I need a bit more RAM but I don’t want to buy any more DDR3 sticks as it’s a dead platform by now.

Thankfully Ryzen continued AMD’s tradition (?) of not locking ECC feature on most systems so I upgraded to it three years ago. And my server crashed. A lot. It was unstable. I then tried again two years ago but it’s still crashing. I ended up selling the system and bought a cheap Ivy Bridge server board from ebay last year. It held up pretty well. It even got NVMe upgrade earlier this year.

The thing is, just like for desktop, I sure could use faster CPU. Ryzen 3000 series brought along a lot of per-core performance (IPC) increase. A lot more compared to 1000 series. And it has gotten pretty cheap, at least on 6 cores realm.

I upgraded my desktop end of last year and now it’s turn for the server. Except unlike the desktop one, there’s no good deal this time around. It didn’t help I need more PCIe slots than usually available on cheap motherboard. And I actually wondered if I should wait for B550 and see how it goes especially considering X570 requires fan for its southbridge.

But I ended up getting X570 anyway because I don’t want to wait longer 🙂 I’ve resumed doing some hobby dev work recently and sure could use some upgrade. Especially as my plan for VM on desktop system with NFS-backed storage didn’t go quite well.

Anyway, I upgraded the motherboard (ASRock X570 Pro4) and CPU (AMD Ryzen 5 3500). For RAM I took two sticks from my desktop which currently has a bit too many. Those will need to be upgraded to ECC sometime later when the budget permits.

For graphics card, as this isn’t a server board and there’s no onboard GPU on the CPU, I’m getting a cheap PCIe x1 GT 710 1GiB from Zotac. It costed a bit under 5k on Amazon Outlet. It’s second hand but should be fine. I hope. It’s not arrived yet so I’m currently using another fanless GPU I have but it’s using one x16 slot as even though the PCIe x1 slots are open-ended, there isn’t enough clearance for x16 card.

With one of the only two x16 slots used by the graphics card, I stuck with using my HBA at x1 slot. Thankfully the motherboard has loads of SATA ports (8) so I only need two from the HBA. There’s no cable management though as 1) it’s temporary; and 2) it’s way more annoying with 10 SATA cables in total instead of just two SFF-8087 and two SATA. That should be fixed this weekend.

There’s also network card bracket problem. The brackets I mentioned weeks ago have finally arrived but the size didn’t match. Good job, Fujitsu. I couldn’t find the brackets for those cards either so I’m getting another pair of cards. Assuming they will actually arrive as they’ve been stuck in China for a bit over two weeks now. I just hope they actually arrive. And that they actually work. That would be nice.

The unused board and CPU and RAM will be repurposed for my work dev server. My current one is pretty similar just one generation behind (E3-1235 vs E3-1230v2). I need a new case and PSU though but those shouldn’t be too expensive. Combined, the server will have plenty of RAM (32GiB).

That said, I don’t know if this 3000 series of Ryzen is finally stable enough for FreeBSD. That’s actually the most important thing as otherwise I’ll be forced back to the old system and maybe figure out what to do with this board and CPU. I’ll report back when I got the correct graphics card, I guess. Or earlier if it still crashes.

Bonus photo:

This is definitely not how to install a card. It does work though

Weekly FGO vol. 25


There’s… nothing I can remember of for this week. All I did was just farming for mana prisms as usual.


Journey to the west is ending soon. I finished all the quests, only need to farm.

The challenge quest was not too bad. Mainly thanks to it’s only against single servant.

As for the roll for Waver, thankfully I got one. Not in 20 rolls as I mentioned last week though. It took me 91 rolls total. Thankfully I got two Nezha and two Wu Zetian in the process. No Kaleidoscope though.

I guess with this I’m ready for the Apocrypha raid event. Mostly.

Weekly FGO vol. 24


Lostbelt no. 5 part 2, Olympus, has been released. I’m somehow halfway through it at chapter 13.

Nothing much else otherwise. Chapter 11 boss fight was kind of fun. Or not. The debuff is just annoying. At least it’s doable with solo Enkidu.


Journey to the west has started. It’s farming time (when is it not).

Waver banner is sometime today. I’ll spend 20 tickets this time around. Hopefully that’s enough. Probably not.

Weekly FGO vol. 23


Apocrypha rerun done. Including the challenge quest which was relatively easy. The most difficult part is if Amakusa got to release his NP but that’s about it. It’s even easier with two skadi, one waver, and one zerklot (as seen above).

Apparently I did 10 pulls for Astolfo (saber) but got nothing as usual.

Up next is Olympus. I haven’t even finished reading LB4. Or Shimousa. Or Salem. Sure quite a lot of backlog I have here.


I almost forgot what’s happening here but apparently Anastasia has been released. I’ve been slowly going through it.

Not pulling anything yet which means I won’t max Avicebron anytime soon. His 80% NP charge couple with non-nerfed NP sure will help farming as I have no Kaleidoscope.

I thought up next is Apocrypha except it’s first rerun of Journey to the west. I don’t have much memory of this event. I see Waver on rate up though so maybe I’ll do about 10-30 pulls on his solo banner.

Oh yeah, looking my pull log, apparently I did three pulls for class pickup campaign (caster). Still nothing.

Weekly FGO vol. 22


Fate/Apocrypha collaboration event rerun tomorrow. I didn’t farm much last time and I’m not sure how I’ll do this time.

Meanwhile, I completed Lostbelt No. 5 for the gems and now clearing the free quests as it’s currently half AP until maintenance tomorrow.


Finished challenge quest as per screenshot above. It was relatively easy thanks to all those damage bonus event CEs.

On farming, I’m still lacking a bit over 300k event points. I’ll wait until last minutes before using extra apples.

Next event is Lostbelt No. 1. I probably should clear Shimousa and Salem while at it. Also in JP 👀

Weekly FGO vol. 21


I said 10 rolls on Waver banner. And then I did like 66 :’) And got no Waver. Fuck :’)

That sucked. At least I did get Gilgamesh caster, completing my Gilgamesh lineup. There was also that d’Eon above, one more member of unknown gender. More Circe, bringing her NP to 2. Gilles de Rais caster, completing my low rarity servants lineup. More Diarmuid, another NP2. And lastly, I did get a banner SSR servant this time for a change. Except it’s the wrong one which I don’t quite need. At least this Odysseus has useful up to 6-turns taunt skill.

Now I have almost no gems and tickets.

Next event would be… probably next week after the special broadcast.

Meanwhile, hunting quest and I didn’t get to hunt much.


Saber Wars! With painful farming nodes. I finished farming the gold item but I still need quite a lot of silver and bronze items.

The event is up for another week so there’s plenty of time to finish farming. It’s just rather slow.

I did 30 rolls hoping for some event CE except I got barely any. Also no MHX. I did get Munenori though which isn’t all that useful especially at NP1.

As for the challenge quest… I think I’ll at least need to get all the event CE first. And hopefully one or two extra drops.