JP event done. There’s actually challenge quest which I should probably do without a pair of Ishtar and Gilgamesh but it was pretty horrible and finished using low rarity servants anyway so I guess it’s good enough.
Later levels sure are a bit more challenging. Mainly when figuring out how to do it in fewest number of turns. That and saving planning for the run without running out usable servants. I didn’t use any guides for the floors so that added a bit of challenge.
Next event is still at least one week away so I can focus on NA’s Valentine for now.
I did some rolls for that Saber Alter NP2 above though. 187 of them. That took out almost the entirety of my SQ savings. And I only ended up with one of her. It looks like I’m not getting NP5 of her anytime soon.
Or Skadi if her rate up ever comes up again. Probably not. That reminded me, the next GSSR is probably single mixed pool so my chance of rolling her there is even lower.
I did get a few additional ☆4 and ☆5 servants though:
- Napoleon (?)
- Nezha
- Fionn
- Lancelot
Three guys and one mostly girl. Great 😐
Here’s hoping the next pulls will be better…
Setsubun is over, and it’s now Valentine.
I finished Setsubun just in time and cleared the challenge quest without much problem this time around. It took me over two hours two years ago. Dealing with target focus by using area NP 😃
Valentine has started and I figured I should do something like 5 pulls for at least some event CEs. I got Semiramis on first pull instead. Yay?
That ended my rolls though so I have no extra CEs except for the lowest rarity one as I have a bunch of extra FPs from previous box gacha. I have four in total at the moment and I still have some more FPs to burn so I’m hoping I can get a fifth copy so I can limit break it.
On the Valentine event itself, well, I’m grinding through it as usual.
This event is actually the time I got my current JP account. I couldn’t finish it on time of course with my barely existing team at the time. And that also annoyingly left me with four copies of ☆3 event CEs and two shop CEs.
Well, I shouldn’t have too much problem clearing this event this time.